The Cleveland Leader and Morning Herald from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Cleveland Leader and Morning Heraldi

Cleveland, Ohio

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ORT CLEVELAND AST ACSIMTS JEWELRY Scow Gould Dufil ort Clinton mdse KI I CELLAHEOUS TEL BGBAPHIC BASKETS OR gALE LAHD without OR RENT a tfj MEETINGS ki I im 1 a rKirMrM irx Irs 6:31 9W 1 103ol2CT 28W8JW 4:30 TRAIHa LSAVS co*ckY HIVE 3 WK) the OR SALE New York 91 for OR HOUSES LOTS CARPETS SATURDAY JULY 10 1862 CITY NEWS has iTuxc'a peris to eswtooCEtter A fee rissd per cwt I TMaWaTH faALLki 67 48 bus 850 715 715 Uk Ayres lttsb1 bus bus 13'K) 1050 1510 85a40 Ga7 NalT Ma't) 6a7 NalS 4ta4: 4a5 6a7 do CO do do do CO CO Your fate should bo a warning to young men of the certainty with which a life of crime will result In ruin and tn at panlshtaeat Is sure to overtake the guilty and io all secret detectives that their profession will' not always shield them from suspicion nor their guilty and criminal practices remain unexpused by a betrayed people When the term of your Imprisonment shall have expired (should yon survive it) yeu will be a man yet in the prime of life Should you return to Cleveland you will miss many who you see here to day and who are taking an interest and probably a part in the proceedings on this occa sion During your Incarceration the active duties of the day will to some extent relieve confinement of Its gloom but your evenings will drag heavily and afford abundant time lor reflection if not re morse Do not spend tnem in cultivating feelings of resentment or threats of revenge bat let them and extorts at a tnorongu regeneration ana wen settled resolutions of a crimelesa life in the future I Tbs sentence of the court is that you John KU ft5 I be taken from the bar of the court to the ail oi Ute county ana irom tnence to tne penitentiary of the atateof Ohio and that you be there kept at hard labor for the period of fifteen years from and after the first day of Vie present month During the delivery of these remarks'Kil foyl endeavored to maintain his composure but as the sentence was pronounced his lip quivered and his eyes moistened with tears It was but for a moment and as he left the court he assumed an air cf bravado saying to the sheriff ia allusion to Judge remark that he would still ba in the prime o' life at the expiration of his sentence: I will baa young man when I get There was a general murmur of approbation when the judge said as if all thought the fullest penalty of the law ajust and righteous retribution On Wednesday afternoon Kilfoyl sent word to Hr Jones that he desired to com municate to him certain matters connected with the Skinner affair Mr Jones visited him' in the jail accompanied by Mr De Wolf and one or two other gentlemen and took the written statement of Ivilfoyl "We are not permitted to state all that is con tained in this and can only say that he con tradicts much of the evidence which he says he had been instructed to give both when before Justice Brand and in the court of common pleas and corroborates substan tially the testimony of the Mulhalls in re gard to the implication of certain parties in the Skinner plot the escape of Tom Mulhall 7 to SESEEAL riAKClAL E3VJEW Mw Yoax July 9 SS03SXT Money easier closing at 7 per cent currency 7 per cent geld asked Nothing has transpired yet as to the action of the Grand Jury on the usury cases axon tsier Sterling Exchange firm at 109110 Stanberry Willonehbr I Cherryholnei ujwvr a jrjijtuJCT Packers and Ham 188 Ontario street llama Shoulders and 'Breakfast Baton best In market Prime Leaf lard kettle readied in tierces barrelsand kegs No 1 Mess and Light Mess Long and Short Clear Pork All articles wa' ranted to give satisfaction all at lowest market Price No charge for package or cart age nta pj tv u1 An ex tenred itwmn seeww a July 7 Sixes of 1881 117 5 isiK 5 1X14 117 5 Of 1865 118 5 Of 1865 new 116 5 Of 1867 11 6 if 5 20'S Of 1868 116 10 187 In this market prices of coin meats closed as follows ft850a400 ib500a550 l06al0711 1'4 29aa 14(10145275a8001350141 l10al15 65a6O 9X1 Sati 10all SITUATION as tooa eTri wondent by TV rratlm of imr veirsStXBerHnee Brat references Bxsxy LPtA tbt rfice jylOMt The side wheel steamer KEWEENAW Aunrr Stbwabt Master Will leave our dock for DiLoth Superior City and Intermediate ports on MONDAY EVENING July 12th or freight or passage apply to HANNA a CO Agents 1 al XUTCx 6UCt 13 11 10 IS Educational Bookstore INGHAM As BRAGG DEVOTIS ESPE CIAL ATXENTIISN AND TEXT BOOKS AIL KINDS ALL INTEItESTED IN TEACHING ARE INVITED TO VISIT UVK STORE DURING THEIR STAY IN THE CITY AND EXAMINE INGHAM BRAGG SJ17 SUPERIOR STREET KEY' ADVSItTKSEfflHNTtt Cry I Baldwin a Co Dry Deforest Sherwood Dry Hower Co Krauss American House Bsston Boots end Shoes Lester Self Raising lour George Hall Panfishing Parsons Gas Cosby Dry Dodge Moriarty Weller New Cobtlndrews urniture Hurt Malono Richards a Ingersoll Luxuries at Pratts and Sawyer Co Dry Hower a Higbee New Rawson a Co or Co Jewelry at Dry Kendall a Son Quecnswarc House Levan Bowman Howe Sewing Machine Tea Coffee Keegan A co Ga Welch Dr Sibbit In Town Dyspepsia Cue or Walworth a co Lots for Brown Pearson Co Sewing Machine for Agency House for Herrick Lot far Mullery Help Parsons Engine Girt 73 Scoviil st Situation Partner Co House and Lot for Agrrey Lend for Sale Agency AXT ANTED PORTABLE ENGINE AND a A nvjorrlx horse power portable engine st4 Must be in cumr Iete running or ur Address Mm 1113 Superior Cleveland J2 Boston' 75 (JO 45 9J oo and Burgamont lb7503800 Clove 00 Lemon lb500a550 Peppermint IS6( 0a 50 I laW nu boiled Carbon gal Lard No 1 gal Sperm gal 1 a A Whale runners gai Spirits Turpen tine gal Spirits Benzine gal Lead White in Oil Putty Zinc White in Oi) jtfttr A lciVaa streila July 8 lifts 121 11814 118 117 117 117 108 and govern Seiling 180 IS0 118 121 128 119 117 117 117 1 light WAST2D BOJKO A genU man vho cu we ItlveUie very highest srcla rerrenres de sires re vers I board lor hlmseiC wile and ebltd ore vear onl A quiet family who have no other toarelers preferred Address BW Keo Mr 1 Uoae ll9 iC4 inancial andEomsiezcial riday 'Evening July 9 1SG9 The money market to day was about steady as heretofore reported Ths demand for currency keeps fully up to and most of tho time iu excess of the ability of bankers to meet it and balances are not allowed to im prove but on tha contrarythe tendency is to increased stringency Oa the street the condition is even harder than at the banks and borrowers who have to go outside of the banks find very great difficulty in negotiat ing good business paper at the extreme rates of 2i2j per cent a month Tha banks gen erally are keeping their "customers close down to their actual wants iu discounting the necessity of keeping their reserves up so as to be prepared at any time for a visititation from the comptroller compelling great caution in this particular No very material improvement in the 1 market is looked for during the summer Eastern Exchange is in fair supply but there is no material excess and rates are steady at par buying and 1 10 premium selling Gold continues to move slowly upward the price closing to day at 136 There was a further improvement in govei nment se entities to day closing prices in New York comparing for three days as follows:" July Jlo 121 H8fe 11U 117 117 117 11'8 Cloveland Wholesale Market riday KvawiHa July 9 18o8 The rates for through freight (steam on take and rail) from this York and Boston are as follows: New irst class per 100 lbs 1 Second 41 Third ourth in lots of 10 tons and over lour in lots of hi) bls and over Wool per 100 lbs Kates to Worcester Providence Hartford and New Haven same as to Boston All rail rates to New York and Boston are as follows: At Id 0 Kawson 259 SUPERIOR ST EN CyULVPEDJA OR ALL STYLES BINDING ARTEMUS HAMA AN ENTIRELY NEW WORK COMPRISING HIS LECTURES EDIT ED BY ROBERTSON HINGSTON 1150 A NEW fc BEAUTIUL CHRO MO AND fSO() ALSO A NEW INVOICE A KOWBALL 500 If DRUNKER piANUAGTUK 1 of ine italltt latest 1 97 kSueriSr street Block) AlteretloxA aad repirdooel tbe aeateat mtn er Rubber liosSSud Leath er Belting at the Ruuvfl Store 14k Superior street ap23 EAT2LEKEKEGTs8fEX Died of his Mr who had his arm crushed by falling from a gravel train upon the on the Erie division of and Michigan Southern railway near the shops in thin: city about a week ago died of hisinjuries on Thursday afternoon about four at his residence" on Hamilton street near Ah bams Amputation hod been performed and every possible effort made to save his 1 life but without avail The genuine Howe Sew ing Machine with the Howe medallion embedded in its plate is to be had only at 225 Superior street Eacll 1 avenue cot JC ure home fcr sxe containing ten room baib room het ccll waV wuu louse fine 11inti Ac Ixt WxlSO fret ranmne tim ujli to Hmoi street PoKneion Is sixty daya Price SI 5x A oce carb hlruee in one Multwoyeus a OLMaTED IQ Knclid syenite Jya iGS TJOR Na 40 Prospect street AT to April US Ten roctns ga nI water and Is conveted to buslec ss Kent 3430 per year la KBELKB ISO Bolivar tri el near 1 rTspwt owl btitf Great bargains in carpets and paper hang ings curtain? (shades and all that class of goods are now being ctl'ered at the new paper and carpet store of Kraus? 121 Ontario street Mr Krauss came to Cleve land and opened a store for the good of the people He sells goods rapidly keeps a constantly fresh assortment and is satisfied with a moderate profit liemember place 121 Ontario street Hrs 8 cares uArostbai NY mi Mich Wright do rl ace Jndror A awlnelord 8 i knneil Levins Y8Iirergs vllch tr Uco*k Dr Brown Bnftili iz Biacuutt Kachester a orse Toledo Grefir Cll I psort Akron cpiCKer Phfia doioK Chud wick A for Quiet Sales at for Ohio '8 BOSS rKOVIBlON BAKU) sugar cured 19c canvassed buyarcuicdy'is cabvaseu 16 Sugar cured ft 17 SasokxD Sugar cured 19 canvassed 19 PrlmaLearkettle inbblsortca 19 In kegs 19Rc I Prime ms pork $81 00 Heavy mess pork $83 00 Extra short clear 36 CO Light do bbl 82 00 Extra long do 85 CO Montsronrcrr Px ix Troy vaInchetGa Ray io 1 i But do vST JUUiUSV1 Dayto i r'e Brown A i ria I WC tan A 1 1 ml A ahLti Miss Messenger Sloan Pt Clinton xa juaiui xoieuo Mitchell Dayton bpieeber PMU McCurdy do Sykes Chicago I) Obmjtn Mich ieeman rittsb Corry Curren WtHKwkin 15 Clnvtnn A II D1VUH9 VilY Knapp be London Huribur city Miss McClellan Clu Perkins 2c 'A 1 a Sanaers Jone? Y1 Brlg Detroit 3 hie itr Me GurtiJl (JhlcaKO Miss WHnpr rin A Ostrasd Buffalo A Kutau JH Birr Mich Sloan Pt Clinton Brooks Boston A member of the firm of Cobb Andrews Co now traveling in Europe has Visited in person the vast bookimarts of Paris Stutt gard and Leipsic and' ha thence sent home from time to time large invoices of the stand ard books in both the German and rench languages The assortment includes the best poetry fiction and domestic literature of Eu rope 5Ve congratulate our rench and Ger man students on their opportunities New Carpets New Curtains AT BECKWITH Wilt oSA nlia Velvet CAKPWIWS I Latest Styles Ecglish Bru gels At reduced prices How English Tapestry Brusflelg ISOTjV MUSSELS At $200 5225 and $250 New Tapaatry Brussels ew 3 Blys and Ingrain NEW LACE CURTAINS Elegant styles at low prlees WINDOW HOLLANDS BECKWITH STEBtliSa nn 8Tvr Dried Are rather culet at 52312c for good to prime fruit Demand fair fer PcachblOnS at 3tc in car lots cn track 40c Dem stojc In moderate dsmansl at 20002 50 pet bn for good to strictly prime white Demand fair No 1 held et 150 per bu 'a Market quiet at Gglllc for country and city rendered: Live geese 70g 90c as to onriity Water Lime held at SljTfkJljiX) for Akrcn and Csn'ego SiJP per bt for ClMtlrmd and remont Market firm at $Itl5 per bbl iw Alabaster Land ST 00 per bbl for Calcined errell's Land 51000 per ten do Calcined per bbl New York Calcined? SWXSfOO per bbl KM 4800 It? YDKa ERR SUOD8 HAEKJ3T July 9 pere 1 Jeans 17c Bates do )8c rints PaHttfe suXd ma 12XC t0 1SXC for 7 7 a meeting oftthe board cf trustees cf this instituti om hed Lerea cn Wednesday it Kas votaJ to s'kcf Uebcrth Ohio conference the pointaent cf Key Godman cf Bnd to the office of president of the The mcancy Is causal by tlon of Eev'Jotn Wheeler NOTICES THE WILSON Shuttle Sewing Ma chine enual to the bast and cheaper than all others 107 Saneca street RENCH have received per Steam Shfp Lafayette via Htvro another Large Invoice of Choice rench A IT aira also rooclvwtl (Annual Gyclcpadla for IS68 COBB AH DREWS CO 211 SUPERIOR ST 3:25 oie WwW 4W 9:45 4U5 2 30 7 25 415 12dx 3:85 335 7:25 83U 98472581 t93W5 NSW YORK July 9 Dull and lower Salos at 84c for middling uplands Receipts 8V12 bbls Maiket 1015c better Sfiles nt 565 ier sunerune state ana western for extra state 821'0710 for extra Western for choice white wliert oxt rs for round boon Ohio S7(0 fsr extra Et Leals 8 000 for eood to sftnlea drJcloslng quiet with scarcely so much fi mness in the sales are 1000 bbla choice extra state to arrive soon at $70j Gali fer ula Cour 11 mer at $6503900 Oregon flour quiet at irmsr Sales 800 bbls western at $ll)331 02 free WfifiiT Receipts 13000 bush Wheat opened 35c better but In cnsequeuco of cable dtprt hes quoting rner weather and declining prices the market here closed dull with the advance lo Sales 85000 bush at $1M 53 for Ko 2 sprinst the latter price toy choice to arrive i591 GJ for No 1 do $161 for white state 8170 for white California $200 for new white southern Ed qaiot of western at $130 which is firmer BARLEY Dull and nominal BAKERY Dull I icce'pta 8J9 (J bush Market 334c bet ter with a string speculative demand Sales for new mixed western via caaal: B297c fir do via railroad 98c for high mixed nearly ycl IOw 94c for wh te western Receipts 6000 bush Scarce and deci dedly firmer sales at 81 82c for Inferior to com mon wsstern afleat Quiet Bales of Io on private terms Quiet Bales or Cuba at Lllc Quict Bales at 815c for American Sales at 17c for crude 3383c for refined LlHSSED Steady at $103 in casks Quiet and firm Bales at $3200 mtw mew ck aing at 982 co cash n' Ior Co 1 $260 00 for prime $28501900 for prime mess Steady Bales at S8001600 for new 20C18Wi for new extra meag UIKItCE Nominal at S20(XJ25tO 8000 ror India mess Qnict Salos at 200C3L' 0 shoulders and fori ms MIDDLES irm and quiet Unchanged isajes at lGlfljrc for kettle rendered A AA I epe ior Pisjie Heivy Sales st ll15c 8 Cdnronlvr an A UTLTUim A 7 CM AAILU ULIU UU1CU RV? and nominally in favor irm at $J0 for western at63c western afloat co flrm at 925895c ior sound CEnsl and raHroad ww tew a nominal ly unchanged J535IP Dud at prtviou nrices and i5x and steady stwu ca3? at for LIr toprime ECGS Quiet and nrchanged RETBIBU nON The Skinner Sentences oi Thomas Mulhall and John KU foyl The ortaer to ho Hangedon the 26th day August and the Latter lent to the Penitentiary lor ifteen Years 'On riday morning avenging justice pro nounced the fate of two ot the confederates Lewis Davis in the murder of David Skin ter Thomas Mulhall twice convicted of I siding and abetting murder in the first de gree was sentenced by Judge Paine to be JULY 6 4 Iltli 1 Stmr Northwest Vlger Detroit SchrJohnL Grass Morgan Marquettes Behr A Wood Moruan do i 1 Schr Jura Montague do ehr A Grover elton do Scbr Clara Barker Aadenon Chicago S20 tons coaL Scow Highland Chief Butler Marblehead farm tare Ecow Becker uller Detroit co*ke and coal Scow German Emmcns Black River Bark Berlin Johnson Bcffrlo 1W0 barrels or naptha and 400 barrels oil Bark Marsh Lyons Chicego 920 tons coaL MARINE ITEMS The brig Concord lately lost her foretop gallant mast on her vay to the upper lakes owing to a defect in the stay Raised The tug avorite has succeeded in raising the scow reeman sunk in Late St Clair off Grosse Point and has towed her to Detroit i Propeller SUNK The propeller Bar ber which left Milwaukee for St Joseph on Tuesday sunk at the pier at St Joe Michi gan on Wednesday 1 She belonged to the Engleman Transportation company Schooner David Stewart The dam ages sustained by the schooner David Stew art while ashore on Island are of a serious nature She will have to receive entire new bottom plank part new keel kelson etc Bark Garry The bark Garry Owen reported sunk in Lake Erie and a total loss was thirteen years old having gone into commission in 1SJG She was built at Toronto measured three hundred and thirtythree ins old style rated 2nd was worth probably $8000 Sad Drowning A terrible accident occurred on board steamer Helen Mar on her passage from Allegan down the Kalamamazoo river to Saugatuck July 2d resulting in 'the death of Miss Mary Simmons and seyer'e and perhaps fatal injury of Miss Laura Joslin It seems that these ladies were standing on the upper deck of tbs boat and owing to the high water in thp riyer "were swept overboard by a pro jecting limb oi tres Miss Joslin after lipping the geefind title rescued disturb A The recently came In steamer City of Sanuu hired at to Mai quette harbor witn 240 men Montreal and Quebec to work on the rail road at Duluth and on account of some dis satigfatiqn they mutinied smashed the boats mirrors broke open trunks and did other damage The boat did not pome to the dock but proceeded on her way and it is supposed that the disturbance was quieted To be The Detroit Tribune states thafa party of wreckers making preparations to raise the steamer Northerner which lies sunk in Lake Huron not far dis tant from the head of River St Clair and in a still day is plainly visible The boat was comparatively new at the time of her disaster aud if raised would no doubt be found in a good state oi preservation She was run down by a collision with the steam er orest Queen with the loss of twelve lives and was valued at $10000 in gold Vessels Captain James Call away of thp schooner Shepard reports paying seen a white fore and after with lead colored bottom aed green rail and Stripe lying off Island on the even ing of the 3d reshipping her depk lead cf lumber She had been ashore and got off by rafting her deck load A propeller was seen ashore eight miles from Point au Barques near Port Hope on the 30th ult An unknown vessel is reported beached near Grand Haven Milwaukee Sentinel Pacific lawns 15 cents to close the business of the late firm of De orest Sherwood White Pure mohair alpacas 40 cents to close the business of the late firm of Deorest Sher wood White White Marsailles 2qe35e 39c and 54cts half price to close the business of Deorest Sherwood White tola bns Tuesday 10 Wednesday 1800 21C0 Thursday SCO 415 riday 953 rexrecorejj AUOlUHimi 134BAXK fcTREET VppcoJu Weddell Hcnsa 1(8116 80 9674 Chic Altnn Ifi7 do preferred'157 Han St Jo118 CHIE JOLIOE Appointment by the Mayor of Major John II Williston to me Superintendent of Police Ho Is Styorii and Enters upon his Huttos 1 Since the removal Jof Thpfuas Mcjpnstry from the ot of policJ will be his successor cen popular conundrum of the day It hs been propounded everywhere on the street in the counting room and in the work shop but yet it remained unanswered The mayor gave no sign save to afew who are admitted behind the throne and although it was known that the selection had been made who that person might be was solely a matter of conjecture The question was solved on ri day morning by the promulgation of an order appointing to the office Major John Wil liston This gentleman is well known to very many of our citizens and it is believed that his appointment will give general satisfac tion Some years before the war he was a resident of this city but went to the county of Ottawa where at the breaking out ot the rebellion he raised a company and entered General regiment the orty first Ohio He served with this gallant reg iment until discharged fordisablility arising from a severe wound in the shoulder re ceieved in the Atlanta campaign near the Chattahoochee river in July 1SG4 During the whole period of his service he was recog nized as a brave and faithful officer never shrinking from any duty or danger or some time past Major Williston has been a member of the firm "of New comb Ji Co on Seneca street He is a Dem ocrat in politics although of that honorable class who stood by the administration during the war His private character is above re proach and it Is believed that he possesses the requisite qualifications for a faithful and efficient officer in thia responsible position to which he has been called At ten on riday tho oath of office was adminis scred by the mayor and ho assumed the du ties superintendent ot ponce MUNICIPAL COURT The Howe New amily Sewing Ma chine Notwithstanding all the extraordi nary pressure that now enthralls the of the country the demand for the Howe Sewing increases steadily with every month that passes A few months ago the original Howe machine having under gone important alterationsand improve ments eliminated all its old difficulties and placed it unquestionably at of all sewing machines for family purposes was established in this city in the experi enced hands of Mr Lawrence who opened a depot on the corner of Champlain and Seneca streets where his business is now permanently and successfully estab lished It is difficult in the limits of the present article to give any adequate idea of the absolute perfection to which the Howe machine has now attained It is lapid noiseless simple easy to understand does work of marvelous beauty and can bo ope rated by a child Go and see it carefully be fore you buy any machine A New Wholesale and commission House We have the pleasure this morn ing cf introducing to our readers the newly organized commission firm of Maffit Hud son successors to Messrs Wielr Crowder Co and who who will hereafter be found in the Northern Transportation building Nos 5 and Saperior street Al though the combination is a recent one the partners are both widely and favorably known among the people of northern Ohio Mr Maffit the senior partner lies been for some years prominently connected with the wholesale establishments of Atwood Crim and rench Keith In his connection with these houses he has traded extensively through this part of the country and has a wide circle of friends who will rejoice in his accession to business in his own right Mr Hudson is indebted to similar circum stances for the wideband favorable acquain tance that he enjoys In proof of his high character as a business man it need only be said that for five years he has been connected in a very responsible position with the firm of Alcott Hoiton whose best wishes and continued confidence will follow Mr Hud son to his new field of labor The card of the firm in another column announces the particul ars concerning the business of Messrs and we take a genuine pleasure in recommending them to p'ublic confidence Now that the hot season makes water hy drants street washers bathing fixtures etc indispensable those who wish to avoid the troubles Ineijent To ba work should not fqrget that If Cosby has a new aud admirably appointed establishment at 105 Seneca street where all work done in the 2225 Perfect manner Choice dining room and chamber furniture in ail styles and varieties of material at Hart Malonets At Home Keegan our good natured friend who left his old stand No 8 Euclid avenue is now fully established in his new concern fin tlje corrfi of and Ontario streets in the newly restored block Here ho has after infinite pains fitted up and opened one of the cosiest and most attractive drug stores in the city which is now stocked with evwy article be longing to the drug trade borides sugars teas coffees and a great variety of family groceries fail to give him a call Keegan hag prepared for a big trdp aqd is certain to have it To be The irst "Wesleyan Methodist church will bo reopened on to morrow The repairs which have been in progress for some weeks in this church we learn so far completed that public services will bo resumed next Sabbath the usual hours Rev "WBainum official inff tnfArinr Kan A vveu Vliuvaiea ceilings and walls recolored floors recar peted throughoutJacings and Beats re painted regrained and varnished and tte pulpit re cushioned" This last is however not quite compleied The exterior and vestry will be refitted and repainted (WUs A re 4 Arrivals aUho JPrJneipsi tlie last twenty fonr Lic uys AWUnTfUW MorniD sarrlck Clu Crawford Ajoomlb Chicago A Beaty Betrolt (4 CrllbArf R'nnllH Vn iti CookJu souie (5 £4 a Barnes akron 2 Stearns Here a SI Cook city 11 Brooks Citv I DD Perkins 2c iJBTayler Warren A bmlth A Cooper hila Cass city A uoodmxn Columbus Meddle Newburgh Airs remont A i jx xmbap GBLjnui Dayton Bogers city kdwards A Willis Boston WRDDEDL HODSE 5 Laird Warren eioon Cm Market Rochester 1 Il Mrs Lynaori Gowen Alliance CH Bills OM Bagby Detroit Worth NY Morgan Pa Owes in A KisaeDger ayracuse A liua'uts eiiv ra Morns Phna A Van Ta Erie Dickson I'itub poll HAUK 36a HOUSE A On id A awwiiue Eatt Cl tvs fend Lot 15X210 rilx rooms ard ceUsn Good and stem Atinrdanca of choic Unit 0 $SW TU Mueon estate agency JrS lrre loor Atwater Building and et Sa st Oa Ham uton safeeu loc 4xijQ ieek Vue half sto terms rKe A 1X0 tuMi balance oxeasy 8 SEAL ESTATE AGENCY JSf fryt loor Atwater Building andetanre st 33T uTr Wcnfe rfe inserted vitAJ cwt wra Tpn ofNERAL AGEST An expt and vxxiis 'AS I VV rttcedeoSnrcTavasr caahavaaverydre ter Twcnty lTO Ucnta ar each 1 a1HMlon applying ImmedHelTAd men aeieiiny fre liner all sser fiae UM I a MOYEP Ohio J8 4oJ Mas ss zvaX 4aa I A convenient noase fjr a tm dl Inquire at tne eottageinine ear of a Garden axreev 3 Siui Northwest Viper Detroit indue? reChr Gx Mj Able Lamphere Scr JUchmenclj WhaloBuffMo ironnd andmarbla Schr Alien Cramer Bofflorf heb Ogden Oswego BchrE liobgrts onunsge Chicago 470 toi? ore Charles Vogss was seriously injurftl in the machine shops of Messrs Gaeckley Kreiger on Thursday by hav ing his clothes caught in the machinery Celestial oa riday a pair of Chinese ladies passed through this city en route for the cost They were decidedly objects of interest Dr Silbet of Chicago arrived in town Encyclopedia fur 1869 a fine new number in all styles of binding has ar rived at Horse The well known trot ting mare has been sold by Wightman to William Crawford cf this city tor $1500 Excursion a pleasure party from Kenton Ohio was In the city on ri day The excursionists took a short lake tnp on tho steamer Northwest KT I The alarm of fire at noon on ri day was cansed by the burning of a frame bam belonging to Mr Combs on Wilson avenue near SecviUe Loss $350 JjW DJ JC CHICAGO via The steamer MAINE Ire bop Marten will leave on SATUKDAY Joly IfVh at 11 eV I Wk A or rei tet or Passage apply to RENCH CHILDS CO foot of Superior st McDole Iaaaenger Agent Drugs Paints audlOIIs Corrected weekly for Leader by Strong Armstrong Clxvkaxd sly 9 1869 The martet Is without important change and trade is fair We quote as follows: Aloes Capoft Alum ft Blue ft Borax Brimstone Bs Castile soap Am and foreign ft Cloves lis Copperas ft Ensom Salts ft Gum Camphorlbl05al10 MophinSulp Nit ozl3i'al 35 Iodide Potasib595a5c0 Quinine Snip cz215a2 tU Rhubarb East India ft350a375 Sugar Lead ft 42a45 Sulphur lourft 7 aS Gum ft lBC0al650 Castor gal32Ea350 Olive 200a2t0 irzl flntsa mat lha second 85 Third 55 ourth 40 lour per bbl eo Wool per 100 lbs 90 The movement continues the market is steady and unchanged We quote: City ZKZ white 5900 XX amber 5775800 XX red red $6 CO XX spring $6 tO Country brands XX white $750825 XX red XXspring $6 250650 'SySasst SgCc higher and Him but without decided activity Sales be'ore of 4 cars No 1 red winter at 143 from store on 1600 bn Ko 1 red at $146 and 8 rs No 2 do at 133 from store Corn irm and higher but dull sale 1 car No 2 at 81c from store No 1 held at 8'c Decidedly higher but oniet: wra no i at oa irom store IcarNo 2at75c Inactive and nominal Inactive and nominal In fair demand and steady No 1 nicrs $8300 No 3 do $82 GJ Clear S500'S8G 00 Quiet and steady Ha 1 Hees $1400 City rendered in fair demand and firm at 2'Jc in tierces Country rendered 1819c City cured melts continue active firm and unchanged Wo quote: Hasas 19c for canvassed sugar cured 19c for un canvassed do 18c for canvassed plain 18c for uncanvagscd do Shoulders 15c canvassed 15c nneanvasged Dacon 17c Dried Beef 19Xc canvassed 19c un canvassed Country meats In moders te demand at 17 18c for Hams 14J5c for Shoulders 17c for Bacon The movement is quiet and market without decided change Prime to choice yellow Western llcgervein pails and tubs 9526c ordi nary to good do Cootral and Western 2022c Market veiy quiet Prime to choice actory 3l 4c Dairy 9310c In fair supply and demand at I9e for fresh rece'pts in good condition The market to day wss entirely without movement neilher buyers nor sellers manifesting any disposition to operate fintd was nominal at 284c for July and 29c for August Crude was firmer but inactive and ciostd nomi Linseed firm at Si 11 18 for boiied Lard steady Extra I5L NO 1 2245sSlK0? Jn 9 ei tn rr Tnbrieu: ncsicm uiiVftULi VGU milOO bbl lota Ilf Market quiet at 9B93c Alee U3 Per Uo'loa Spirits SsoMiTes BusIness in (his branch of trade ccntinucs rather quiet and the market remains steady Wo quote as Hows: Uneshod Pcwdr arsnu'itx 0 A Rave just received ano the jag0 jot Congress Balmorals 0 ALL STYLES OP MET8 SERGE SUM JiB d' fwxAuT OR SALE ARMS roii ARM An Improved fJrmofAS aarea i Brooklyn icwnrhlp at out oae of Brighton on tte ore limber God young orchard eberrtiu Im otberfrdls Ccm'ortabie frame bmisa ive celiax Good barn nee on easy REAL ESTATE AGENCY 7 i ptret noor Atwater Bonding and BupJt LAKE AVICATION TTORLAKE superior OnthefiitofAOKiut brick house with ail Ute modi ra improvements ciraated on rroapcel street Also one frame browwith ten roams water na and tewerage Apply at So 2 2 iy Prospect street It HLBBlCh IllMoO UR KN Un Theresa street 13 it ill per mr nth payable in advance inquire Ct JOHN MUMPHRLY No I Ht Clalr street JyiMM Ji JalttP a LUVKt ttaiion Lantz Buffalo Carter Detroit Robbins Hiram McLane Warren Jfi lean do UH Brpwv io ii ao ftebila do RH blU Chic fire HUDawon do Hunt esbnke12 Mo Ia? oodwArd phi 8 tVT03 VcJlMich Kvans cl tv Spraw Gallon Newton Page Wli Cross bk)VU Hilffalrt BWoolewook Chicago Gaumaero do Wele Ncnain A Me Bear Mrs it NO KULarued Chicago PXPABISBB4 AK AM Atlantic Great Western 7:20 A Mahoning Hr 7:20 Lake Shore 7:45 11:03 do Con Accom do Toledo 4:40 6 59 do Knrtnky ittsborgh 4k Wheeling dual 1 Alliance AccommodR ties 6S0 Detroit Scat auRivaL? Atlantic Great 60 5:30 AauWMahoningBrlbrt5 Lak Shore 4d2J 6:80 S01 do Con Aeecm do Toledo 7 21 10:50 :80 9 Bi do Sandusky 90 Pittsburgh Wheeling 10 25 150 731 AlHnnca Accommodation Jo 25 Cctambns 7:31 10:40 8AJ 9 15 Detroit Boat 5dG Paenengera and baggage conveyed to either of the above named trains or boats from any part oi the city at the prices fixed by the City Ordinance Leave orders at the Cleveland General Omnibus Company Na 160 Superior street and at ast Office West bide Bocky Hirer Railroad Time Table LTtAVH CXaVZIAHD ST B31DG3 BTBBST 50 Lsn Market quiet I hair bbi lr SO 2 nr 9 OtS 0J 8 25 7 509 4 EOX Herring io 7JbW 8 tested ej HMUbiit widfe 3 AtGUL 1 efic 6 nt iRt i 4 fQ 15ivU busff corn 350(5 bush u' CETANTKl bITUTlON BT a txl IHr hind of bwiaesaE peats EnffiisaUer IS reees oiven reduces EL 4 7 Kag es reet D7 WAMTSDEMALE HELP IfOlt BAY Sonsd and gentle X1 re Ven yean oil Can trot a mile In lets thin terra mfentes Price lew for flfcran dayre Apply to Dr LUKEM tst Clevrlnl Qu Irtfe TJOltl STORE WABE A LOT at Chester Or jss Koons now occupied by Mr Scott as a store and cheese ware iiouse Abont a sixteenth of an acre of land three inre rootns on I be first door Lsrite cellar office ao i two pom finished roums on second ven cheap kisuxe PoMeosloa gtvea April 1st im jtco eat IKctl Agents Room A Atwater block BALE Aa open A boorynca iy new Inquire at Csrriara fe rinkh rt street ka A 4 IN MILL8 A U11 Mlila four ran of stone Heywood Mills six ran of rtqce Best water power in the a la tens ubia never failing spring Situated oa a railroad water three mile from gaadustv City Water power can bo need far anv manofa toneg purpose Tne owner being seventy two 50 business KH 5 tx enter Erie county vl jss 'CZiBIXiAND Insurance Cojipaay CI83Ud Charter ibb5 perpetual suSrSpital paidin ssooooo yurplus 54000 xllO CUDltfil ITiies ny ordered increased to Ilali a Million of Dollars GoKt Company pr Eents it Ohio as UP Ca8h Oi0 Company and Eolioit3 af adequate Ousted Principal towns thfungnout the btate to whom ap plications can bo made Superior eorn mvi? Asat See Rawson Co offer today the New York dailies and the illustrated and other weeklies and monthlies intact an the news reading of the day a Pugilist Brought to Grief Duffey a well known Cleveland broker tried to hare a mW with one near Zanesville The police got on the war path after them and the whole partv princi pals seconds and backers were ignomin loufiy lodged in jail At the Bre on riday noon the dog was run over br vehicle and badly injured He was taken to house on'ranWort street and eared for tenderiv as a child He was un able to walk fast nigh and ft is feared that he has sustained serious injury i Sunday SsRVicxA Open hir meeting intbe J' rk at 4 the West Side market house andca Wilson ave nua at 4 andon tbe bunk of the lake between Ontario and Seneca streets at half pestsix on btmday afternoon under the aus pices of the 1 oung Christian assccia lion i rJC CO OR OGDENSBURG teamer YOUNG AHEKI CA Brown Master will leave on bSTUKDAY July lUtb at flr ML or freight or passage apply to RENCH CHILDS CO foot Of buperfor ot bi McDou assenger Agent JylO A TICHIGAN CENTRAL LINE 1869 1869 Cleveland Detroit Steamers NOKTHWEST Capt Viorn RICE Cap! Wi McKay One of the above boats leaves Cleveland every erening undays excepted at 830 con necting next morning at Detroit with tbe Michigan Central Railroad for Jackson Marshall galatea soo Niles Chicago BurUngtca Quincy ond du LAC LaCrosse St Haul St Joseph and Omaha Also with the Detroit and Milwaukee railroad for Pontiac St Johns Ipnia Grand Rapids Grand Haven Jriaaw and Milwaukee rABE OXK DOIXAB L1M THAN Alp Tickets can be obtained st the Union Ticket Office Weddell House or at the Office on the Dock ij 4 General Agent Clcyftase uma Detroit Mich SffiO 1 7 9:45111:151 lfl5 2 3t 3:45 1 6 XX) 7:81 Sunday Trains leave each eud of the Bead every5 minutes commencing At 9 a and rua until 8 beeclal train win run at any other hours to ac er Tnmnrt Ptc Wte PrUe AVCTZON SALES 1AUCTION The oldest estaffitalied Auction House Litho CHIOAGU July 9 In fair deaand dnl1 Et Par selling Sales at $415 spring superflue $5 12 and excited pri ee at $l3ai9 No 2tt At thfcrc were At 4 1 9 I2w mde sold active demand by market excited and advanced 22 oer ai Mc: mellow nt Sic? Ha 3 at wiJale at G7c closing lor Nn corn elljai was scarce snd salpq waja flufid to 1OUJ bush rejected at 71111 ii there were sellers oiNo 2 a Wc seller July and 81c tuver Tni acrive and easier" Jes at ra i month IacBB37c wM Prell £naW8 higher No 1 cl Ing 2 ln etere'Pf)VTiny Ann at 9539bc Salcsat $425forcOv a 4 I'M 70(53 bn wheat: 485 vaw: bush IJ0 MAHKOT July 0 unchanged 2 srt baJee 51 1 W7 Sales nt 71c for No 2 74 Sal3 at 760 2 nal at 10 and Sc soobushoa's bush wheat SiU bhly flour 47 KO bn wtc at OSVfreG MAItfl KT nJ 0 winter 825 f85d" ter 5er double extra a9wsia for WH sat 8a mi V' white Canada at $1 9U No 1 a tiu hMh prime at $151 to amvre 2 held CO irm and better 8a cwnjc'rye 8c 't6 7JJ bush corn: 8536 hnh hcak cat T7OM HAIE dSWlNG One firet cabinet wamut case lorence Sea Inc Ml bine ifew To be cold cheap at BKAL raTAT AGENCY jyw lrat Atwater Bulldin amt bnp at One two horte power tre wtrt Viner Atwater Bunding and a bnptet rnilE DKDLRNIGBEO WirniiS TU 1 dltroae or an established mannlaciurlmr busl nese where tbe profits ate good and demna nn llmiiei To a man of enegy iMslsanoppottunlty idm off re Will sell cut tor fifteen luihumI dcltars would require at least ttue thereafter to carry cn basinets with Address ii uievelane rostotace Jig ifii Huylng Gold 185 large i 125 small 123 Sixes of 1881 ex coupons 117 ive twenties 1862 1st ive twenties 1864 118 ive twenties 1865 old ive twenties 1865 ex coupons 6 ive twenties 1869 ex con pons117 ive twenties of 1868 ex coupcns117 Ten forties ex int 167 The Heilway share market was decided change to day though less firm and slightly lower on a portion of the list Clos ing quotations on each of tho past three days 1 1 1 i VUU lp4rU 29 JAaUvYky New York Central Jirie Michigan Southern Hudson Rock Island ort Wayne Northwestern common Northwestern preferred Illinois Central Michigan CjptKi BetuHpg Thpre was no yery noticeable improve ment in commercial circles tcrday but thg Grain market was decidedly firm and a marked advance took place The demand for Wheat was only moderate but the msr ket after disnatches fie ner hnsba pl Jifo 1 red selling at $1 4G and No 2 do at at $135 closing strong Corn ws dull but higher No 2 selling at 80e and No closing at 85c asked its were in moderate request (it an advance to Buyers did not maiiir test strong confidence in prices but holders i were very firm and would not yield any from their advanced views The provision market continues firm and steady with a good demand Butter was quiet but with out noticeable change Cheese Is very dull and drooping Eggs were in moderate re quest to day at joc me Grocery martet continues quiet and steady The Petroleum market was without movement and prices were nominally at previous quotations The receipts of lour and' rain on each day of the week hnve been lour Wheat Com Oats Itye Earley uua Gold firmer opening at 186 advancing to 138 ffcclinlEg to 185 and closing at ISO irOVXBBMXStS Governments firm and advanced The pri cs paid for the 3 CO'' (K0 bought by the governnent ranged 116 85'1VO11? 45 11(1 vt iwu etstss sb or itei ccttpcxis p'fidn DS XctreXf CCuTIOJ12 a 141 5 SCa cf 1954 coupons us of 1883 coupons 119 5 SCa new coupons 117 6 SCg of 1857 coupons 117 5 208 Of 1E88 ceupons 117 lU 40 ex coupons it8 MA'CS XCZ3S Slate bonds weak New Term 671 Cs 87 via go tiN uarciJMs New Virginias 6ssw do SAinwAX esxnua Stocks opened rtead but closed eerier he chief features being in Vandiibllt stocks and Michigan cuuiueru 5:30 BIDDIKO QUOTATIONS LUG uhlo ceri'a Kris 23 I such Uen do preferred tajKich Ecutim Hur san illza 3 Ueffi Harlem lliffJ'Ktteterg Heading 92Eock Island Terre Haute 841N Tetra Haute pre 62 i W'prrd Watrsu 7t coca I co prei sk ort Wayne 151 Eianl do pefl Hartford Krie EETrsW 25AUSS Express shares dull Asauft a co S2 United States 71 (Marchants URlcn fcSEttit*Sl BZSCKXAAESOVS Croton 02 i Tri 31 Casatertand 82 iKarincw 8 Quicksilver 15 fMaripcss pref 15 AfalSLL OH 3 i BOSTOM 00BB3 STOOTS Quincy 2 1 Conper alls liinnerola 5 ranklin Hanco*ck 2Hecla Ean Eua vauaoukr Recsipte at ths sub Trcssury to day ayments do do do Balance Disbursem*nts of coin interest TOL5IXJ July 9 irm but quiet WHEAT 3c better active and firm alsa er inijcri $145 Ne 1 white Michigan at No a amber at $180 No 1 red at $142 No rod at 5138k1 10 No 2 white Wabash at 45 UUdh iKc better with an active speculativa Sales of No 1 atttte on rpct and 87c buyer for July No 2 at 81c on spot at sel ler for July ada better and active Sales at 71c for Michlcaii 70Xc for No 1: C8c for No 3 pnilU 10t3 ofi Jring at $107 jjjaKUJai Bail rac 0 hbls Sonr7C0() bish wheat 10Uuboihcon 9C0baoats BOTKaLu July 9 ales of city ercuna prina at $5 western epiirg at $650675 weH western white at CjUU Unsettled with a gaod speculative inquiry Sales 45090 bush No 2 hicago at $141 75t0 bush per sample and 75C0 bu No 2 at th0 of 3itX0 bush No 2 Iv fu6ee club at $142 and spring per sample at 15901 40tJl4l 15:00 bu No 3 Milwa uIjgc at $140 15 0 bi no on snet and to anlveat 142 closing unsettled in fair Ceman and higher Sales ei lv 8000 bush No 2 western at 81c 27 COO bush du atSrc later 5000 bush yellow at t6e 15000 00 bash western at 82c 5tOJ bush No 2 do at 83c closing firm UATS Quiet and better Sales 1 6000 bu west ern at 73e: car lots at 75c hold at the closed at75 stock all in one hands Nominal Last sales at J1S for MU waukee KLEY Nominal Steady at $3300 for heavy mess bteasy at 19c KJJ31 Writer and held firmly at MewVVkTSW1eSt COrU 7Xc t0 fionr: 193000 bu wheat 81000 bu corn 17000 bn oats hbI'flcnr HO OvO bu wheat 8700 bush com 57000 bu oats UiaUlBMATI RARKBT July 9 fa d'ma and firm amily $580 tfflUylU Scarce and fl in at $18001 35 Scarce and in demand at Oj irm at 1073c for mixed KS3S Dull at $lic for No 2 and 1 Quiet at 88c for middling jjTOfiACCO Active sales 226 hhds at $550 Jitm at 95c lor clear sidts Nominally unchanged lie for sbonl for cleat tib flnd for cicr Ripe? Nominally 10c Steady at 242Sc Steady at 17e 18c CHEESE irm at 1416c Quiet and nn hanged 185 buying 1TT8BURGH OIL July 9 Crude petroleum market fairly active with aa advance of on all delivercis Sales 2000 bbls bW 811 ye a 14c 5000 hills toiler July at is Heflned witu an advance in early deliveries Sales SIM bbls each month August to Decentbcr at BSEe same amounts at f3kc 2500 bbls last half of Jul? spot quoted at 82? CATTLE July 7 ccelpta 8000 head making 5900 for the week There was a surplus thin stock to day some lots holding over me Texans only brought 12c Ite decline on thin lots is itc but Ut cattle are unchanged and all sold market closes weak SHsE AND Arrivals 3 COO The market is unchanged good Jois selling at 5S6 while very poor are Belling even at 45c Itmta me scarce and nled They brought H4I9ctch day some Oi 51 Ius selling atOXc a car of stata lambs 52 lbs at like with some jerseys at 12c and a few extras at 4 eoo tofts came In to day Bellezs at Chicago objecting to the rates which ho coiubl nauon he have agreed upon Persons outside of the re obliged to take such prices here as the ring will effer They cannot even slaughter tbe nogs and soil them dressed tho combinat on con trolling the slaughtering establishments handed onThnrsdav the fith day of August 1 pe devoted to sorrow and contrition for the past re tire rri efforts nt a reronAratinn and well and John Kilfoyb cx buperinieDueut immaculate convicted of being accessory to the plot to rob Mr house was sentenced to the peni tentiary for fifteen years that being tne ex treme limit ot the law The remarks of Judge Paine upon etehef these cases wnicn we give below will be read with interest About halt past nine shortly after the opening of the court udge Paine direct ed the prisoners to be brought up Mulhall looked pale and thin irotn his long confine ment and ns the court directed him to stand up his restless gray eye had a vrild fright ened look as if he shrank from the fearful trial Judge Paine stated that the time hod arrived for the prisoner to receive his sen tence Jones prosecuting attorney stated that all the motions for a new trial and in arrest of judgment ead been decided adversely to the prisoner and he moved that the court then prqgeetl to the performance of its last painful duty The prisoner was asked if he had anything to say why sentence of death should not be pronounced upon him and he replied that he bad not Judge Paine then addressed him as follows: Thomas MrtHAli You have been formally in dicted fairly tried ani duly convicted of aiding and abetting murder in tbe degree tbe pun ishment of which is deatb Jlivc you anytnieg to aay in mitigation of your punishment er rea son to give wby tbe court shall not cow perform Its last solemn and painful duty and pronounco upon yon the sentence of the law Your protestations of innoeenae accompanied by your admissions show you to be guiliy oi a crime of but lees magnitude than the one of which yon stand convicted and the different con elusion arrived atty yourself and the jury may well bo attributed to tha deep end overwhelming Interest of tho one and the studied and peter mined impartlaUty of the It would bo as unfitting tho place I occupy as repugnant io my fceHngs for me to indulge in anremarfcB intetuoESy cajpjilafaed to add to the mental anguish you must now' tffijnffjnng in auereeot ihe crime yon have committed Wiflcn must follow thotransao the awfnl elu tions of this hour convicted While the crime of which you stain can never bo contemplated without horror tu circ*mstances attending the commission of your crime are unusually aggrava ing and mark its perpetration as one ot peen liar atrocity a recital of theso circ*mstances at this time is not needed to refresh your recollection of their real character cryour connection with them and the Community is painfully familiar with their details and atill shocked at tho depravity tney develop It is more than sufficient to know that tho transactions with which you have been criml nally connected robbed community of a respected and unoffending member made a widow of her 1 who bad a right to bis society and claim upon him for nrotcctlcn and snnnort: took from a large family of dependent children and from their im mediate presence an affectionate kind and de voted father and without a moment's warning Ber him uncalled to the bar oi God or your unlawful participation In this crime yen have been twice tried and found guilty under a system otcriminel laws so humane and liberal as almost to permit you to select tho jury which should sit In judgment on your case You have twice had your case presented to tbe ccurt and jury by able eloquent and devoted counsel learned in the law of your own selec 1 ticn you havo had the process of the court to compel the attendance of witnesses in your behalf yen have had at your command the officers of the law to aid you in making your defense all this has been dene for yon by the government you have offended to ascertain beyond the existence of a reasonable doubt the certainty of your guilt Your counsel have with unusual and untiling in dustry reviewed the law at evidence of your case and urged the court In a becoming manner 1 and with almost resistless zeal and eloquence to grant yon a new trial or arrest ths judgment and of tho result you need not to be informed Your guilt has been pronounce 1 by an intelligent I and impartial jury reluetant to ingict tbe penalty of death" and tte court anxious id avoid t'ce pres ent painful duty has searched in vain for some 1 good reason to set aside their verdict or arrest tbe judgment 1 cannot conclude the painful duty thus forced upon me without igjplsring you to devote the short time still allotted you here to an earnest and unfeigned effort in preparation for The event which will terminate your existence on earth and a fitness for that Battled future into which your crime and Its pdnlsnmnt will hasten you Waste not this remnant of your earthly probation in fruitless efforts to obtain a commutation of yonr sentence er a reversal of the proceedings which produced it but mike a fervent penitent and per sistent appeal for pardon and forgiveness to Him who listens to the truly penitent and able to foreive violations cf law human and Divine 'tll the time of your execution you will on all proper occasions be permitted the company of sneu spiritual adviser? as you may select an i such things for your bodily comfort ay one in your circ*mstances may reasonably expect It now only remains for me la pronounce the sentence ot tbe law which is and it is the judg I before judge Cleveland nrt to the jail of I be safely confined therein and kept In close cus 1 Intoxication Wai rgn and costs todyjuntil the time of his execution and that on I Tames Kenner Tnhnnna mlrer lUhlnol the twenty sixth day of August in the year of our I 'i3mes joqatina louiiey JSlicliael Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine I Blair Richard Hoiner Terence McGrath and between the hours of ten in the forenoon I Catherine Toole each 21 end and two in the afternoon of the said I xooie each bJ and costs twenty sixth day of August he be by the sheriff I Peter gtanton pleaded guilty to hangad ty 018 nnU1 aud was fiaeJ 87 and costa As the last words Were pronounced the large I oaia Charles Haustin "Willie crowd of spectators were htuhed to silence I Sevens and James Payne charged with as if in the presence of death itself by the I conjmitting a burglary upon the cigar store impressive solemnity of the scene The I Benty was continued to the 11th prisoner received the fatal words without I larceny Charles Childs stealing manifesting any unusual emotion and was I twenty nine books from Glason sent to shortly after remanded to jail I for twenty days I rank Burton charged Kilfoylwas directed to stand up and Mh teaUng money from John Pender Joseph Adams stated that the motion in ar 1 as rest of judgment in his case would be with I tSt nTIDS arney Cunningham and drafrn the defense would abide by the en 1 ere eachfiaed $2 and costg tence of the law The prisoner had nothing I ractional The govern folfowstnd Judge raine kim as I ment has just a new and very neat I looking twenty five cent postal note which tonSlnSc beginning to make its appearance in small procuring Lewis Davla and others to assault ono I quantities The new issue is timely the I notes of tbe old issue are sadly worn and your punishment or reason to give why the court I very many of them are rejected by dealer: for the reason that they will not be received you fa always redded as a serious one requiring for Its perpetration au I factional notes the regulations just adopted unusual degree of depravity and Is seldom at 1 by tho treasury department will beofiu tempted by those not thorougffiv schootpa in virre I wvmju who by a series of wicked and unlawful acts of a I forest to merchants and bankers thas hardened by practice I fractional notes if whole are not considered anaenconia'Twi hver'ccpaq iinoiin desperate business of a robber as mutilated when presented for redemption be believed nor Is an evidently accidental diminution rts raorough education aU the degrees of ermo I dl2ciDS tbe note by not more than one tenth necessary to qualify you for cmiuenco in this dan I of its size regarded as a mutilation gerous wicked and criminal profession You are I i vet voune onlv twrritvthrL vrnM 2 I ragments of a note will not he redeemed! for more than fifteen yeara you blve been known nnl biV1 rly edent that tbey and recorded by the police force of this citv ar a I of on9 note in pick pocket rneak thief and common robbhr nd ch case a note however mutilated will be Emgllr This character is fixed uwnwou tha note ck ho sworn testimony of more than a cozen of the I cxcept lbrec cent notes which prominent police officers and city attorneys whose I 17111 be recked by thirds duty during all that time has compelled them to I 2 Mutilation leas than one tenth will be watch search and arrest you I girded unless fraudulent bnt any mutilation Thesuccessyou have until now had in I which deslroya more than one tenth of the original conviction andavoiding punishment furnishes the I will reduce the redemption value of the note mnnt aatiaruArewi UJ I hu nnnfi ri II focre are UUIU AAAficra Ciiu uuo tU3k USft YOU 041117 I JI vaiutr UT 11 UJICC CCIlt note voted yourself to the pursuita of heneet industry I bonethird its original value ia5te information I 3 ragments of a three cent note wilnotbe 1Sni'Ihava excelled In I redeemed unless such fragments constitute fullv those accompLsuments which give such assurance I two thirds of tne note in its original form of usefulness and open upto a younr man snrh I vngmai lorm hooe of future success and permanent happiness I mnah2ti'iad nOt? Presented for redemption I All these opportunities yoaseem to have dire I raftl 1 1 leS3 tban 3 of lheir original irardodr thfrso nrn srwrta pAri havra vsj 1 V1683 blosalnss yon have I Mutilated currency is now redeemable by ahtat MSena ndVdepraWnd he treasurer of the Ubit States at WasN finelly become singularly hardened for one of I and by no other officer This is in of wkich you have now' beonvicfa with the regulations just issued whether regarded and measured by the cool I 7 rr0REIT The rapidly wlrch attended itaexecutiOE dktiiiuished it ag I class in our community who read German languages wS now flndia the 'western city of Cleveland 0D! and carefully se residenccof an uneffending and unarmed muzen leered libraries of rench and German read yc tound anywhere in America roobwg mm of the fruit of Ufo i The teetimonv of others ui your ovro showed thatycu was one of toe most tba cousplrators who undertook This wicked and bloody deed in all um its successful execution lnatPrtai n3 to aour own testimony showed that within two hours after the altsmpt and failure cf AhisrlmL cal en terp sc and while the blood was yet coring from the fatal woned ofsktaryw wra Hstentng to an account of the transaction and Its dasstrous results Ina saloon in thfacityfrom the Ups of yonr confidential associate in crim? and tnat yonr sympathies were deeply enllated in hla enffarmP A nm th and that yoa enpaeed immediately and your bed one of theiost cf theS criminals and when alarmed by tbe police eecrated him under yenr bed When he wS dran forth you gave a false account efthe cauw of his being there and tale misled tbe officers ne enatderthim to escape And furth that ft two days after yon was devotlrg your Hm talents to devise the way and and finaJvthst tbe man wto been convicted ot murder for his partictoatlon in talscnme left the city in the ulgET unde? von? SEd ed wlthio ev farcished by you to defrav a mo eT your own testimony and others enuilefloYoo was defended by able and astute lawyers who ft seven days served you InklT MT acd with azeffi which in ary 16 fe: ceeded int ImpXTUxl jB ywsofpri rn? PTu? Ut7 of lue only iecLi0 ycur in iu jxcise ot their ingenuity make ft watSt SjfSjrlP13 vIle' and connected with alftbese cnrawl yoa was a r3Hri My aggravates vocr Oepert Jsr a punishment not prcvffiS Iu bv the iAaiue under which you ure Indicted 8 A IsK Dare streft tear Bridge next to 1 15 two IcU 30x131 all laated with grape rice wo rash balance la four Ontario street JyO4M TJOIt HCUdEff 2k LOT? Vacant lots In oUeUT at prleeo to euit all etarseSs HourtfS I'Ms 11 p'rihlg rangtnj in price Ircm riljto siijw teelni of every description 1 iure ef WALWORTH NS Ao 249 snperlor jvto iJriHyaS SuPerlor street 30 oy iwictttoaSS feet alley tween Hoeetta and HoSS MULLEKYKWIiea HOUSE A Un Pel BVCuuro XiOb 0iX2uU xeU Two storv ImUilcx a re room and toar living WOB Mummer kitche cair well and ciunx stand i grocen er saioo? Price SiiJX half balcncein oae year fnOAA uue jy9 JTIrafc loor Atwater Eaildina ixd a Sofk at irx orijEfc irjEEjif MORSE HARKNESS GRAIN COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND Dealers in GRAIN LOUR MILL EED Having opened a first class lour aud etd Store we have and shall keep cohstantly on hand the choicest brands of Michigan and st Louis while Wheat lour and the best grades of Red Wheat lour all from grain of our own selecting and tnerc loie of and uniform qualltt A Iso horw Middlings Corn Meal arina Cracked WTeat Oatmeal Hominy as well as all kinds of Grain Confident that we can please every one who may favor us a callwere apectfully ask a share or public patrenanea MORsE HARKNESS 167 patrno st GARON £2 ii BUKT OVIATT Storage OEPaIKercIant frtfcc Uoa Ship and riffle rei blorEtte capacity 260000 bu Office and Warehouse adjoining the icievatnr NO 197 MERWIN St' CLeVkND JA a of Country produce wgents fo the salt Company ci Beit at Prices Sait a er Lime ionr Grain Sc bv tna TeCcV tw jhiipped on the Mention to the filling of or ders for Produce and Merchandise on commfarinJ made on constoment arq prepared to receive and ahin bv nni ib bnrinosa men Grain and lour Oemmlssion use aggjm 1 S7 A o) Wa7 ZTLEVELAMI odd ELLOWl? IIOJ1K AND LOAN Toe regular monthly meeting of this Astotfation will beheld at Temperance Holl on Saturday evening loth Inst ntSo'cioca Dn srecelvrel frem 7 to 6 A fall attendance fa desired By order of the Board 5t JBLreNDIN Secretary WAHTS 8GW crtaRiil3 gi4s 13 a414 Whltecoffee 8 JSiKLe 1 Scrghtsa Kafeuft eusMMMree 65752 HsNf fl ft 'I2SS6C 83i86c Japan so 15 CSSffia 75802 ej grtfflM CS4 BXe Sal beds HIC3 9XS13C I Carolina xean per lb 7 if a Silver" Gfo Cora lite sale 5 Pearl Eaney 8 9 I MXkiuro Hraitay peri0' i ure i'" Gold Medal Mold TeasisM Pntnrj new per boz 88 50a Valencia peris Currants per IbL igs per lb 3 1ETANTKD BU ISES3 To act as Gen oral Axentsln Southern Oliloand Eastern Mti rourl One or two experienced sale men without capital eaa reenre rmanent Arpb to KNAl tl 1 rut llc Square cvr Glover A Jy3 46l RAKW Bt'J'INE'H in a good paying i icraa Nore reed apply only thou meaning busi ness and are willing to work Capital nqmrx twenty are hundred Uara Address A Heral i office Cievelasd JuMCC yirAMTSD SIX ewio To It aril the new and Improved Empire tewing Machine a Van BUBE Ceaeral Aacnt Office aSS Superior rtnseeonn floor Ji 8 161 TVASTKO SIX GOOD OPERATORS or the new ami Imn oved Empire Sewing Machine a VAN BUKE General Agent Office DsS Superior street st conu floor lyS iffi 1 On Gard: 1 amft: seven romns 'uSd whPJ KKAD KSTATE AGENCY friQQs Atvauj Edldiny Awd54 npoaSAXaE 736 VAaAT LVT Str VACANT On Oneida rar AGENCY BitHdicgxud vofrrifaeLSt nUfamg A'D Oa st elxlax SMca Oa Croton at a siaon I Oa Siegel st MxISX $2so on hat error st 6xta Merchant av titxos SUN aJn seruton av iraii jr au On Barton st aixafe sxext ajn Eorua st Waits st mu JI? riwCxHO $2 IUK Jv srxl3a Ksu On Custard av bC iasxXw vu on option XT 1 a 74 Yio xw ac lA XCm 13 AIm'Uabma Ksxn a Atwater BlAffc HAS rorved io So 2 i kntffic aqttric ever Geo ii SITUATIONS ioK a Taelre acres oi R1 improved land In Parana twelve tnllea from the City sur miles from Brighton Wood bare appe orchard and frol's Price $1 275 bsumcecn fast rabte terms REAL STATE AGE CH v9 lrat locT Atwater Building and Sup 8L rl'A HALE 761 Twelve acres cf Mlmpo ed land in Pams Twelve mite fr om fre cilr ur fctone Good tarn Lr cbar lsld anffiU Jrslts Price 5UA cn BEAL ESTATE AGENCY Jy? wftc Atwater Roll ding aa! Suia st Elf you want to seo a crowd go to the store lately vo1Djej by Deorest Sherwood White They a retailing over $3000 a day or Continuation of Local News seo A sqperb pssoftnjent of ttje finest Swiss rench an 1 German opera glasses just ar rived yesterday at new jewelry store 21J Superior street Office of Cl bysland Gaslight AsCckk 311 Superior street July 9 1869 5 Unsettled gas bills are due and payable at the new office on or before Sat urday the 10th instH Welch Downy elastic and durable spring mat tresses the best thing of the kind ever in vented at Ilerenden corner of Bank and rankfort streets A fresh supply of English mustard just re ceived and warranted genuine by Hessler at the botanical drug store Green peas string beans new potatoes fresh grapes and delicious raspberries cur rants and all that sort of thing at this morning Nothing is so delicious as the nectar soda drawn from the arctic fountain at Kichards No 1 Euclid avenue ive dollars at buys a'g good a pair of boots and shoes as six or seven dollars at tho majority of shoe stores Hot weather is almost a luxury when it leads one to the deliciouffices the cream and soaa ac iticnards saw an immense' stock of blacking brushes marked very low at tanical drug store H6 Ontario street We are pleased inform our readers tha Dr Silbet ef Chicago well known for his skill in curing baldness and scalp diseases will be in our city onjTuesday uly 12th He has engaged rooms in the Atwater Building We will 'give all the narticnlara in issue Sealing wax for fruit jars at bo tanical drug store 146 Ontario street pass shoe store 237 Superior street without looking in at those cheap cheaper cheapest piles of goods He has a that must be closed out within the next few weeks to make room for fall goods When Lester says must it means business seif saves yeast shortening and milk Moreover it never fails to make light sweet and delicious bia cult? pastry or cake It has been 'reduced' in price to suit the flour market namely 6 lb sacks SJ cents 12 lb sacks 70 cents 24 lb sacks $140 Ibis therefore the ehpanrre well as the best flour for boarding house and family use rre New arrivalof summer cravats ties and bivtcs ai arsons Square Great inducements are now offered 'in the way of summer hosiery undercloth ing and gloves at 14 Public Square No one can realize what inducements Cleveland offers to those" who wish to pur chase furniture until he has seen the stock and manufactory ot Hart Everything conceivable in the furniture line' froraa towel rack to an inlaid rosewood cab metis there PricesVillibereJnade to suit the times 1 1 Look Before You Le Don't go to the first piano store and pay an exorbitant price for aninstrumqpt Be judicious and see what a little management will do Goto George Half tbe friend cf the people the man who puts a first class piano within reach of every hqnest industrious man Go 0 1113 immense stabiishmenl look over the superb assortment of pianos that are there displayed and see on what easy generons terms he will accommodate you We have said before andjhere repeat that there is no parallel in the whole eastern countrv to'ra immense and successful establishment of which Mr Hall is the founder and head He is among the great missionaries in the cause cf music andafter thirty rears nr i faithful effort is reaping his reward hili 8snT( 41 De rdorquMtoa ra 4 LG Arnsthsl IT Ntcho Graves Gary Oieaa Bal' ey Ta Keys 4 Luck Galion fl SIU CvEIC wwi arm ii fCr qa V73 Scovill vtreet HV 'M VYTARTHfa G' OU at a yhtrtjc gnxre XPAK UM3 TITAETEU A To ffo general hotift VV woralnaU GraUv on a farmeeven iraijra In irerccntrr Cell nt tiro MrevorW effiea AirANTI To amfat to Vr caukv of three ehMren nmt henrevrork Ap tfrituetaue WAT HOUGH mj jnpe wratot city i Petro street n7 4M Air ALT ED WET A aowiS toelttfr wet auras is vraatKl lnraoellatey at ll iVyAKTEC r1AtS HELP ite IS ederreks dq Mi Owen a Davis Stewart Pi ttsb ftp 1'1 Ion McCue Million Buffalo: Uirdtn I Mra BO Welch I oikAnWeeh Jo Taylor Erie SIopptD Mxas A Barnes JS A Gfffborn citv A I Vl 3 A ebstsr Enffrio July 7 Joly 8 July 9 19' 19' 196 38 2811 109 103 1(8 107 09 109 16'1 16t 164 115 18 116 150 157 151 8J 80 80 04 95 95 14'1 143 148 128 128 123 97 98 92 port to New York Boston 00 $1 10 57 67 50 55 81 4 87 70 10 80 90.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.