Over 100 Deliciously Yummy Instant Pot Recipes | The CentsAble Shoppin (2024)

Over 100 yummy Instant Pot recipes you won’t want to miss – from pork to beef, vegetarian options, sides, desserts, healthy veggies & more.

Over 100 Deliciously Yummy Instant Pot Recipes | The CentsAble Shoppin (1)

You likely clicked on this post because you were searching for yummy Instant Pot recipes – am I right? If so, you have come to the right place. We have over 100 deliciously yummy Instant Pot recipes you are certain to love!

As a family of 7, eating out is not a cheap venture. Any time we can save ourselves the hassle of restaurant prices while being able to eat at home is wonderful. Welcome to the Instant Pot. We picked ours up almost two years ago and have used it hundreds if not thousands of times – for every holiday, potluck, church supper, birthday party – you name it, we have done it.

We have even brought it with us out of town so we can save money while traveling too.

An Instant Potworks as a slow cooker and pressure cooker in one. Depending on your Instant Pot, you canmake yogurt, sautevegetables, and whip up the tastiest rice in just a few minutes. You can brown ground beef, make tamales, and even applesauce. It’s almost like a crock pot on steroids! In fact, it makes me question why anyone would still use a crock pot, especially since this beautiful appliance makes everything in a fraction of the time.

Once you have your Instant Pot you will want to try to convert every recipe you find to an Instant Pot (funny – but true!) You will want to go out and buy everything you see on Pinterest or on your Facebook feed.

Before you get started, you will want to make sure you familiarize yourself withyour new appliance:

  • 15 Things you Need to Know about your Instant Pot
  • 8 Must Have Items for your Instant Pot
  • How to Meal Prep with your Instant Pot

Here are over 100 yummy Instant Pot recipes you can get started with – everything from soup to dessert, chicken, healthy options & more.

Over 100 Deliciously Yummy Instant Pot Recipes | The CentsAble Shoppin (2)


Over 100 Deliciously Yummy Instant Pot Recipes | The CentsAble Shoppin (3)


Over 100 Deliciously Yummy Instant Pot Recipes | The CentsAble Shoppin (4)


  • Molten Chocolate Mini Lava Cake
  • Vanilla Rice Pudding
  • Piña Colada Rice Pudding
  • Pumpkin Cheesecake
  • Delicious Cherry Cheesecake
  • Lime Cheesecake
  • Chocolate Cheesecake
  • Dulce de Leche Cheesecake

Over 100 Deliciously Yummy Instant Pot Recipes | The CentsAble Shoppin (5)


Over 100 Deliciously Yummy Instant Pot Recipes | The CentsAble Shoppin (6)


Over 100 Deliciously Yummy Instant Pot Recipes | The CentsAble Shoppin (7)


Over 100 Deliciously Yummy Instant Pot Recipes | The CentsAble Shoppin (8)


Over 100 Deliciously Yummy Instant Pot Recipes | The CentsAble Shoppin (9)


Over 100 Deliciously Yummy Instant Pot Recipes | The CentsAble Shoppin (10)


Over 100 Deliciously Yummy Instant Pot Recipes | The CentsAble Shoppin (11)


Over 100 Deliciously Yummy Instant Pot Recipes | The CentsAble Shoppin (12)


Looking for more? Bookmark these Healthy Instant Pot Recipes that will inspire you to eat better this New Year!

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Over 100 Deliciously Yummy Instant Pot Recipes | The CentsAble Shoppin (2024)


What's the first thing I should cook in my Instant Pot? ›

When it comes to breaking your Instant Pot in, it's a good idea to start with some basic foods and simple meals you're already familiar with, then slowly expand your Instant Pot repertoire from there. Try making staples like eggs, sweet potatoes, rice, or lentils using just the pressure cooker function.

Is there an official Instant Pot app? ›

With the Instant Connect ™ app, crafting delightful meals has never been more straightforward. Rest assured, our app is consistently updated to enhance your cooking experience, ensuring faster, easier, and tastier results every time.

Does the Instant Pot come with a recipe book? ›

Instant Pot comes with an owner manual and recipe book. Both should be considered required reading but honestly, I found them to be unbearably boring while only marginally useful.

Are Instant Pots worth it? ›

Is it worth buying an Instant Pot? Yes, we do think an Instant Pot is worth it, particularly for pressure cooking. There's a reason it's one of the most popular kitchen appliances out there.

What is the best meat to pressure cook? ›

You really want to use a tough cut of meat like chuck, rump roast, or brisket.

Is it better to slow cook or high pressure? ›

If you enjoy prepping your meal in the morning and letting it cook all day so that it's ready by dinner time, go with a slow cooker. Conversely, a pressure cooker might be the better option if you want an easy way to make healthy meals without much planning.

Is it better to slow cook or pressure cook? ›

Slow cookers are much better for cooking root vegetables and tough cuts of meat because the long, low-temperature cooking process is great for adding moisture and breaking down fat. Pressure cookers can get hot enough for meats and vegetables to brown in them when cooking, but slow cookers can't.

Do chefs use Instant Pots? ›

They are most commonly used in industrial settings to quickly prepare meat or stocks. However, in most scenarios, Elite Chefs avoid using pressure cookers because they provide less control over the final dish. Chefs often prefer slow cooking techniques that accentuate and pull out the flavors of the food.

What cannot be cooked in a pressure cooker? ›

Foods containing dairy, like milk, cream, or yogurt, should not be pressure-cooked. The high heat and pressure can cause dairy products to curdle or separate, ruining the texture, taste and flavour of the dish. Cooking fried foods is a strict no no, when it comes to pressure cookers.

Why do chefs use pressure cookers? ›

It depends on the chef and the type of dish they are preparing. Pressure cookers are great for quickly cooking tough cuts of meat, beans, and other ingredients that would normally take a long time to cook. Pressure cooking also helps to retain more nutrients and flavor in the food.

Why should we use pressure cooker for cooking? ›

Reduced Cooking Time

Pressure cookers use steam and heat inside a sealed pot to quickly produce rich flavors. In fact, food can be cooked up to 70% faster than conventional cooking methods. It can cook chicken from frozen in a little over 5 minutes or make tender and juicy pot roast in under an hour.

Is pressure cooking the healthiest? ›

While nutritionists agree the pressure cooking style preserves a higher level of nutrient retention, many others also agree this method of food preparation allows for better taste and texture, too.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.