This manual tugging guide contributed by Tally, a firm believer in taking matters into his own hands!
Using nothing but your hands, you can still tug and achieve good results.Method 1 is a manual tugging method described by Doug on his Manual Methods of Foreskin restoration website. Method 1 is good for targeting areas that need extra attention and to add variety to a tugging routine.
Although the method here is called manual tugging method 1, the number does not mean it is the first method to try. The method numbers are arbitrary. Manual tugging method 2 is the best manual tugging method for those just starting to restore their foreskin because it tensions the full circumference of the shaft with one tug.
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Method 1 is a method sometimes used by beginners to get enough slack to wear a device. If you were cut tight, say a CI-1 or a CI-2, then method 1 of manual tugging is one way to start restoring your foreskin. With a tight cut, it is best to do method 1 when flaccid.
For beginners, manual tugging method 2 is a better way to manual tug. Method 1 is a useful technique if your circumcision is uneven, that is, you have more slack skin on one part of your foreskin than in other areas.
Method 1 is performed by using one hand to grasp the foreskin or slack skin near the glans. The fingers of the other hand are pressed against the shaft and the fingers are moved toward the abdomen, away from the first hand. In this way the penis shaft skin between the two hands is tensioned. Tension should be applied for 5 to 30 seconds at a time. Relax and wait a few seconds before repeating.
The illustration below shows the hand placement to tension the dorsal side of the penis. The dorsal side is the side that is closest to your abdomen when your penis is pointing straight up!
The illustration above is by ThePowersthatBe
who has graciously permitted its use here.
The illustration below shows the hand placement to tension the ventral side of the penis. The ventral side is the side that is furthest away from your abdomen when your penis is pointing straight up!
The illustration above is by ThePowersthatBe
who has graciously permitted its use here.
Method 1 is best done with an erection if you have enough slack skin. The illustrations above shows two ways the hands and fingers can be positioned for manual tugging with method 1.The idea is to use the friction of your fingers against your shaft skin to apply tension between the fingers of your two hands. You can grip the glans with the OK-type grip of method 2 and the fingers of your second hand can then be positioned as desired to tension your shaft skin along a line extending from your fingers to your glans.
One benefit to manual tugging is that you can see your skin while tugging. I apply tension until all the slack skin is taken up. Itensiona bit more so that the skin is fully stretched. Then Itensionjust a little bit more and hold for 5 to 30 seconds. Ithen relax my hands for a few seconds and repeat. I do this for 1 to 20 minutes at a time.
After tugging a few times, the surface of my skin takes on a wrinkled or matte texture, with the wrinkles being tiny and close together. When I apply tension, the skin smooths out and looks almost glossy or smooth.
Tugging should never hurt. There should not be any pain or soreness from tugging.
The longer you apply tension, the less tension you can safely apply without it being painful. Said in another way, more tension can be applied if you tug for only a few seconds at a time.
After a good manual tugging session, the skin may become red and warm, even hot. Tugging causes the body to increase the blood flow to your skin to help alleviate the stress caused by tugging. This is good.
The purpose of tugging is to induce mitosis. Mitosis is the process in which new skin cells grow, which makes the shaft skin longer, which will become our restored foreskin. There are no scientific studies that tell us how much tension should be applied for how long or how often. All we have is the experience of others to guide us.
When I started tugging, Iwas able to grow more than 1/4 inch (6mm) of shaft skin per month using manual tugging method 2 and other manual methods. Itugged every few hours, for 1 minute (when I was in the bathroom) up to 20 or 30 minutes (in the evening when Ihad privacy). I manually tugged for a total of one hour a day, sometimes up to 2 hours. Ispaced my manual tugging throughout the day.
Not at all! Method 1 is good for focusing tension on just one part of the shaft skin. For many guys, their circumcision is not even. That is, they have more skin on either the top or bottom of the penis. Method 1 is one technique for evening out the restored foreskin. By applying tension to the portion of your foreskin that is shorter, the thinking is that mitosis is induced only for the portion of the shaft skin tensioned, which will make that side grow more than the other sides.
But, still, method 1 is good for beginners who want an easy method to start restoring before they invest in a device. Others like to mix it up and use a combination of methods as they tug.
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- Read about Manual Tugging Method 3
- Read about Manual Tugging Method 4 and 5
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