Laser Hair Removal FAQs - LightSheer (2024)

What is diode laser hair removal technology?

A diode laser is a technology that projects light in the visible to infrared range. The 805nm diode laser produces a long wavelength that penetrates deeper into the skin, with better absorption by melanin. With this longer wavelength, and use of a narrow-spectrum light beam, a diode laser can effectively target specific color-related molecules (chromophores). These unique characteristics make diode laser the best-suited technology for laser hair removal, effective at delivering safe treatment of all skin in all body areas.

How does a diode laser work?

Diode lasers use selective photothermolysis (SPTL) to target specific color molecules (chromophores) in the skin, most commonly melanin (pigment) or blood. The lasers selectively heat the color molecules to damage them without harming the surrounding skin or tissue. When used for hair removal, the effect of this selective targeting is that the melanin in the hair follicles is heated, damaging the bulb and bulge of the hair follicle, and thus disrupting hair growth. To counteract the heat sensation, and improve the patient’s comfort and the efficacy of the treatment, cooling technology can be used in conjunction with the diode laser.

What is the difference between diode laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) for hair removal?

Many people have questions when considering IPL vs. laser for hair removal, so it’s important to understand how they differ. Like a light bulb, IPL employs a broad spectrum of light wavelengths. However, only some of the wavelengths will be effective at removing hair. Diode laser produces just one wavelength of light of just one color and form. It projects it in a concentrated beam at a specific target, namely the melanin (pigment) in the hair follicle. To damage the follicle to the point that new hair growth is stopped, the hair must be in the active (anagen) stage of growth. Diode laser is generally more effective at this than IPL, requiring approximately 6 treatment sessions to achieve the same results that would require double the number of IPL treatment sessions.
Diode laser is generally more effective at this than IPL, requiring approximately 6 treatment sessions to achieve the same results that would require double the IPL treatment sessions.

Why should I choose LightSheer instead of electrolysis?

There are two main reasons for choosing LightSheer treatments over electrolysis: to save time and enjoy a more comfortable treatment. Electrolysis works hair by hair, one at a time. A tiny needle is inserted into each hair follicle, and a jolt of electricity and/or radio frequency energy is delivered via the needed to each follicle in turn. It’s effective at stopping hair growing again, but it’s very slow. With Lightsheer, many hair follicles are damaged at once, all in a single pulse through the LightSheer handpiece. For large areas, such as the back, bikini area or full legs, electrolysis is simply not practical. In addition, people typically experience less pain or discomfort from the laser than from the electrolysis needle.

Why is laser the treatment of choice for hair removal?

Laser hair removal can permanently remove hair in just a few treatments, leaving skin free of unwanted hair. Other common methods of hair removal, such as waxing, shaving, depilatory creams, plucking or tweezing, sugaring, and stringing, produce only temporary results. The treatment must be repeated time and again, often as soon as just a few weeks after the previous treatment.

How does LightSheer laser hair removal work?

The LightSheer diode laser emits a specific wavelength of light (805nm or 1060nm selected according to skin type) that specifically targets the melanin in the hair follicle. The light is converted to heat energy that then damages the hair follicle while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed.

Who can benefit from laser hair removal?

In general, LightSheer is appropriate for all skin tones and for all body areas. But, laser hair removal might not be right for everyone and there are some risks of side effects. LightSheer isn’t suitable if you have an active infection or inflammation; viral, fungal or bacterial disease; active cold sore; or open wound or abrasion in the area you want to treat. Risks may include changes to skin pigmentation and texture, or burns. Always speak to your treatment provider, who’ll be able to tell you about the possible side effects of laser hair removal and help you decide whether LightSheer is right for you.

Are some people better candidates for laser hair removal than others?

Almost anyone, men and women, can benefits from LightSheer treatments. Although traditional laser hair removal works best on people who have light skin and coarse, dark brown or black hair, people with skin and hair in all color ranges have experienced superb results with LightSheer. The option to use a 1060 nm wavelength enables improved results and great safety for treating darker skin.

Can men also use LightSheer?

Hair removal is no longer just for women. And, it’s no longer just for men who are cyclists, swimmers, bodybuilders or dancers. In recent years it has become more and more common for men all around the world, and of all ages, to get treatments to remove or thin-out body hair, particularly on the back or chest. Generally, LightSheer is suitable for all skin tones, areas and types of hair of both men and women.

What makes LightSheer safe?

“Is laser hair removal safe?” is one of the most important questions to consider. For safety and comfort, and to minimize laser hair removal side effects, LightSheer uses two types of FDA-approved technologies:
High-speed vacuum assisted technology – The optimal solution for coverage of large areas quickly and effectively, and requiring no gel. The High Speed Handpiece applies gentle suction to lift and stretch the skin, allowing the laser to be optimally absorbed into the hair. The vacuum also helps to reduce the sensation of heat associated with other laser hair removal solutions.
ChillTip™ integrated cooling technology – A unique sapphire crystal cooling system continuously cools the skin to make the sensation more comfortable. The ChillTip™ is pressed against the skin and cools the treated area before, during and after the laser pulse is emitted, removing the sensation of heat. Compressing the skin during treatment also ensures that the energy is better absorbed by the hair follicle.
LightSheer is FDA-approved for all skin types (I – VI) and can safely treat any body part except for the small area inside the bony ridge of the eye socket.

What areas of the body can be treated with laser hair removal?

The body areas that can be treated depend on the laser hair removal treatment device. In general, LightSheer treatments are suitable for all skin tones and types of hair and for most of the body areas.

How long does a LightSheer laser hair removal treatment take?

Several factors determine treatment time. The size and “topography” of the treatment area, and the amount of preparation, all affect the time required. Typically, full legs or backs will take less than half an hour, while upper lip, chin, bikini area, underarms, or back of the neck, may need just five to 10 minutes.

Why does it take multiple laser hair removal treatments to clear an area of unwanted hair?

Hair grows in a three-phase cycle, but it is only in the active growth (anagen) phase that the hair contains enough pigment (melanin) to absorb enough light energy to leave the hair follicle damaged. During the dormant phase, hair has little or no pigment, and so it cannot absorb enough laser light. LightSheer effectively disables all of the hair follicles that have actively growing hair. When it is time for the next treatment, usually a few weeks after the previous one, some of the dormant hairs will have transitioned into the active growth stage, and LightSheer will disable those. Following each treatment, the amount of hair in the treated area will be reduced.

What sort of laser hair removal results can I expect?

Laser hair removal provides permanent results, but it can take some time. In the weeks following each treatment some hairs will shed from the treated area and you should notice less hair growth as you progress through the course of your treatments. This means you can expect to see a long-term stable reduction in the number of hairs re-growing in the treated area following the completion of the full treatment program.

* Permanent hair reduction is defined as the long-term, stable reduction in the number of hairs re-growing when measured at 6, 9 and 12 months after the completion of a treatment regime

How many LightSheer treatments will I need?

Typically, initial results can be noticed following the first few treatments (~2), and significant results after four treatments. Consult your treatment provider for information related to your specific treatment needs.

What is the cost of laser hair removal?

The size and complexity of the area treated, along with other factors, all affect the cost of laser hair removal. Ask your treatment provider for cost-effective combinations of treatments, or inquire about an incentive for patient referrals as a way to offset some of the costs.
Note that LightSheer treatment costs vary by geographic area and practitioner. To get more precise costs, consult a treatment provider in your area.

What causes excessive hair growth?

There are many causes of extreme hair growth patterns, including:
• Heredity
• Pregnancy
• Insulin resistance issues
• Glandular and/or hormonal imbalances, including diseases causing these effects
• Reactions to certain medications
• Normal aging processes
• Excessive temporary hair removal methods like waxing, tweezing, creams and depilatory creams.
If you suspect that any of these conditions or another underlying cause might apply to you, we recommend that you seek a medical evaluation.

Does laser hair removal hurt?

You may experience a slight sensation, which we describe as a pinch or a zap, or like the snap of a rubber band, with each pulse of the laser. Most people who have previously used waxing, stringing or electrolysis, when comparing the pain of those treatments with laser hair removal pain, report that the discomfort is far less with laser hair removal.
The level of comfort — or discomfort that you feel can also be influenced by stress, fatigue, caffeine, your menstrual cycle, and pain tolerance. For those reasons, the answer to the question “is laser hair removal painful?” can vary between people and even between different sessions.
Treatment on different parts of the body can feel different. For example, underarm laser hair removal pain will likely be quite different to any discomfort or pain felt with laser hair removal from the bikini, back or chest area.
At your first appointment, ask your treatment provider for a test patch, not only to assess your reaction to the laser pulse, but also so that you will have an opportunity to feel how comfortable LightSheer treatment can be.

Laser Hair Removal FAQs - LightSheer (2024)
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