[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (2024)

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (1)

So, it's occurred to me that things are going to get progressively harder from here on out. I figured that it was time for another intensive training session- not for levels, but for stats. Seeing as how there's virtually NO GOOD PLACES to grind for stat boosts, I had to seek out help from G3HS to find Pokes worth grinding off of.

For those playing along at home (if you felt the need to subject yourself to this atrocity), here are 8 good spots you could use for grinding. Get out the Macho Brace, you're gonna need it...

If you want to train for HP, Bringes are good for 1 EV in the Ashy Path, but you can also get 2 EVs off of Flompost, which can be found in Amazon Road (it's that route with the gods-awful jump ledge maze). Note that Flompost are harder to find and you'll more than likely run into Geckasaurs far more often, which give nothing.

If you want to train for Attack, Biralls are your best bet. They give off 1 EV of Attack, and can be found in Fissure Road, right outside of Furnace Town. (That's the Lavaridge expy) They can also be found in the route in between the Lilycove and Mossdeep replacements, with a much easier encounter rate. Birdeans are there, too, but they give no EVs.

If you want to train for Defense, go with Broudly, of course. It is an expy of Geodude, after all. Those can be found in every single one of those stupid connecting caves that are scattered everywhere across the early routes, and give off 1 EV of Defense. Roughouds can be found in the Greensea Tunnel as well, and they give off 2 EVs instead of 1, so if you want to train there, that's marginally smarter.

If you want to train for Special Attack, head back to the back area of Furnace Town and grind off of Slavas, since they give off 1 EV for each.

If you want to train for Special Defense, go to Mt. Doom and fight Shadains, because they're worth 1 EV each. if you want to train for both Defense AND Special Defense, however, then fight Octinys instead. They're scattered about everywhere in the later routes surrounding Mt. Doom.

And finally, if you want to train for Speed, Komeckos are literally everywhere, and give off 1 EV for each. Pick any route, and go nuts. Alternatively, Larvly and Negrosect give off 1 EV for Speed, and can be found in the Tree Maze right next to the Mauville expy.

...Or, if you're an ass, you can just cheat, because everything from Kanto and Johto is completely unedited, and can be easily fought in the wild with the proper codes. No, I'm not giving you codes, that's terrible. You're terrible. I'm terrible. THIS GAME IS TERRIBLE

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (2)

So, after a painstakingly long and exhausting training session, this is how our team's looking now! They've each been trained in specific stats, and a few levels were gained as well for good measure. I also trained some backup team members just in case something terrible happens within the timespan of now to the endgame.

I'll go into detail about what stats I trained in in a sec, but you may have noticed something new here.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (3)

And that's because Foultry finally evolved! He has achieved maximum serpenturkey status.

Buff Puff also evolved in the interim but that's because I overleveled him in order to get Cross Chop

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (4)

So, let's talk stats, shall we? Foultry has had its HP and Attack buffed, while Paarthurnax gained buffs in both its Special stats.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (5)

Meeko and Chum both recieved buffs to Special Attack and Speed. This will be EXTREMELY beneficial to Chum once he evolves.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (6)

Finally, BlueFalcon recieved buffs to both Attack and Special Defense. I chose Special Defense specifically because Machamp has a fairly decent Sp.Def stat, and being Normal/Flying, BlueFalcon will probably need that boost! I already know what the endgame will be packing, and it isn't pretty.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (7)

Now, you're probably wondering at this point "Hey, Mr. Fox, aren't you forgetting someone?", to which case I would say "Yes, and I was just about to get to that if you'd stop interrupting me."

Yes, our certain lord of the flesh didn't get trained, and that wasn't by my choice. Lately, the FLESH LORD has outright refused to do any training. In fact, it's refused to be around PERIOD. According to my tech, it's apparently in my party, but its ball isn't around my waist. It's as if it just decides when and where it wants to appear and disappear.

I should probably be concerned about where it's disappearing to, buuuut I'm sure that's nothing to worry about.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (8)

I'm sure by now you've also noticed this really awkward transition from sea to trees. This is quality map design, I'll have you know. Quality being put in several very loose quotation marks.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (9)

The Dive spots are still here, though. We'll pop back to those later.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (10)

Ooh, that's useful. Not the shard I need, though.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (11)

I'd love to, really, but I don't have the HM for it yet.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (12)

And then I ran into some kids who were speaking in broken English. Well, it's good that they're learning it, at least.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (13)

This was worth screenshotting because these kids have something we haven't seen yet. Barbish replaces Carvanha, in case anyone forgot, while Thunderlow replaces Chinchou.

I absolutely LOVE the design for Barbish. I think I've already talked about this before, but its design is wonderful.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (14)

One more thing to note for those playing at home: Bazza actually added grass to this route instead of making it just sea. Unfortunately, all that's here are Biralls and Birdeans, so if you haven't caught one of those yet, now's your chance.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (15)

Welp, we've made it to Greensea Isle, the Mossdeep replacement. Let's see what's happening in this town...

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (16)

Well, for starters, there's this tunnel here that leads to who knows where.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (17)

It's basically a way of getting to different parts of the city. I don't really see why it's necessary, but alright.

There were wilds in there too, but it was nothing I didn't already have.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (18)

So that'd be the Shoal Cave replacement, then? That's vital information. I'll be sure to keep that in mind.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (19)

The Gym Leader here uses Poison-types. I don't really have a counter for that right now, so I'll have to go get out a friend to help me.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (20)

Why, yes, I did. What about it?

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (21)

Why exactly was this tunnel necessary? It's extremely inconvenient.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (22)

Well, I suppose it's okay if it's for a good cause, but what about the natural wildlife, hm? Surely that's okay?

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (23)

Oh boy, here we go. It's time for the creator cameo. Bazza, in a choice bit of ego-stroking, made himself the Champion, something he likes to say with pride in his dialogue.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (24)

He's not too happy to see me, I see. he probably knows about all the terrible things I've said about this hake

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (25)

Oh, okay, so he's seen through my facade and he knows I'm not actually evil. I'm not, really, I'm just here for the paycheck. and the dog.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (26)

And then he gave me Dive. I'll use that when I'm able.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (27)

Oh my god did he really


Bazza, you madman.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (28)

Oh my god there's fat men everywhere

I'm going to get out of here before I get the sudden urge to stuff myself.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (29)

So I was considering bringing Gainax or Tut Tut into this Poison Gym, since they're both good Ground-types, except Tut Tut doesn't learn ANY Ground-type moves upon level up apart from Fissure which is useless, and Gainax's only damaging Ground move is Mud-Slap. Neither of them learn Earthquake naturally, either, to add more frustration.

You know who DOES learn Earthquake naturally, though? Hoops, although it doesn't learn it until Level 45, so Magnitude will have to do for now. You're going to need to train up a bit, though, I've been neglecting you.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (30)

YEAH, there we go. Much better. I've also trained Hoops in HP and Attack, because quite frankly its Defense is monstrous enough that it doesn't need additional bolstering.

...Man, you're going to be a BITCH to draw.

Poundown is a resprited Golem. It retains the same moveset, BST and typing as what it replaces.

It does not evolve any further.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (31)

The inside of this Gym is a natural maze of vegetation. I didn't know we were back in the Dewford replacement Gym again.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (32)

For some reason this patch of dirt teleports you back to the entrance. That's good to know.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (33)

I misread this Chemist's name as Versil for a split second there, what the hell is wrong with me

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (34)

This guy has something new, at least. This is Griefern- the evolved form of Trashab, and the replacement for Swalot. I think it's supposed to be Internet Troll taken physical form, which feeds off other peoples' misery.

It believes in the schadenfreude. I can get behind that. Kinda wish I had caught one of these instead of Hurricane now.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (35)

Here comes the fun part! I get to figure out which path is the correct one. It's the top path.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (36)

You know, I just want to point out that every Goth I've faced so far has had really cheerful encounter music.

I'm getting mixed signals.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (37)

Time for another warp. The path on the left takes you to the Gym Leader.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (38)

I'm greeted with ominous laughter. That can't be good.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (39)

I think you've got my information wrong. I haven't stolen any Gym Badges, I won these fair and square.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (40)

Oh, please. I've got a basketball golem that would claim otherwise.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (41)

Right then, time for Spike. I like his sprite, personally- it's a very obvious fusion of Lance and a generic Aqua grunt, but it works.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (42)

I actually forgot that the seventh Gym Leaders in Hoenn used Double Battles, so this pair of Hoops and Foultry worked out to my advantage.

Granted, I can't take out his own Falson with a Magnitude to the face, but the Spidoom will go down easy.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (43)


I love ya, Hoops, never change.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (44)

He healed once already, and a second Rollout was enough to drop it down to a third of its health. Will Foultry be able to finish it off?

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (45)

The answer is yes!

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (46)


[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (47)

Sorry, Chum, but this is only temporary. LET'S GO DEEP SEA DIVIN'.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (48)

Well, that was underwhelming. Let's look elsewhere.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (49)

Finding new teammates is always marginally more useful than free money and Heart Scales, especially if they're Brayser.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (50)

Can't wait to get myself an OP new friend.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (51)

Pokedex description! It's a manta ray. Also, aren't food and prey essentially the same thing? I mean, you're eating both.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (52)

This will be more relevant when it evolves, because it'll certainly HIT like one by that point.

While Brayser itself is nothing special, being a carbon copy of Clamperl, its true beauty lies in its evolutions. Well, one of them, anyway.

It evolves into the Huntail replacement via Water Stone, and into the Gorebyss replacement at Level 37.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (53)

Gods damn it. Stupid bag limitations...


[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (54)

Getting a Blue Shard allows me to get a Water Stone for Chum, and finally evolve him!

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (55)

Wow, it's like nothing changed at all. Quality spritework.

Mantaqua is a beast. Bazza buffed the hell out of this thing, changing its BST from 480 to 550. Here's a list of the stats changed, with the edited stats in bold.

HP: 80 - 90
Atk: 70 - 90
Def: 70 - 70
Sp.Atk: 90 - 100
Sp.Def: 100 - 100
Spd: 70 - 100

LOOK AT THAT STAT SPREAD. Three stats at 100 and two stats at 90, combined with its Water/Dragon typing and ludicrous TM coverage (It can learn 35 out of the 50 TMs. Keep this in mind) make this thing hilariously broken. It's basically Kingdra but better, and with significantly better coverage.

It does not evolve any further, and in all honesty, let's be thankful for that.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (56)

Skipping all the way to the Freezer, and wow this place is literally just the basem*nt floor of the Shoal Cave. What happened to the other two floors? THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (57)

At any rate, this gives me an opportunity to capture the thing I wanted, being Pengice. It's the Horsea replacement, in case anyone forgot.

Boy, am I glad Hoops still has Tackle.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (58)

Generic Pokedex description is generic!

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (59)

I'd say something silly like "ice to meet you", but then you guys would probably give me the cold shoulder if I made any puns. I'd better not. No puns, alright? We cool? We cool.

Pengice's most notable trait that differentiates it from Horsea is the fact that it's now Ice/Flying instead of pure Water. Its BST is still the same, though.

It does, however, get new moves, starting with Snow Strike (Icy Wind) at start instead of Bubble, Trick at Level 8 instead of Smokescreen, Gale (Gust) at Level 15 instead of Leer, Cold Beam (Aurora Beam) at Level 22 instead of Water Gun, Wing Batter (Wing Attack) at Level 29 instead of Twister, Freeze Beam (Ice Beam) at Level 43 instead of Hydro Pump and Typhoon (buffed Twister) at Level 50 instead of Dragon Dance.

It still evolves at Level 32.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (60)

One last capture before I call it quits and this one comes from Opalside Sea, the area that replaces the entrance to the Sootopolis expy.

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Pokedex description.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (62)

See, it's funny because tunas are fish and toucans are birds, so...

...I'll let myself out.

Aqcrow has the same 400 BST as Wailmer, but its base stats have been changed around to make it more balanced and less focused on HP bulk. Here's the stat comparison, with the edited stats in bold.

HP: 130 - 60
ATK: 70 - 70
DEF: 35 - 60
SP.ATK: 70 - 70
SP.DEF: 35 - 60
SPD: 60 - 80

So while its HP took a massive hit, it got more regular bulk, and is a skosh faster. Its moveset, however, is exactly the same.

It now evolves at Level 30 instead of Level 40.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (63)

Hm. This looks a bit familiar, doesn't it? Next time, we'll check it out. I'll make sure to practice holding my breath until then.

[INACTIVE]It's Not Rocket Science!: A Pokemon Topaz Nuzlocke (2024)


What does nuzlocke mode mean? ›

A Nuzlocke is a playthrough of a Pokémon game with several self-imposed rules. The standard Nuzlocke rules are: Only the first Pokémon on any route can be caught. If that Pokémon is knocked out or it runs away etc., then no further Pokémon will be caught on that route.

What is Pokemon Topaz? ›

Pokémon Topaz is a ROM Hack of Pokémon Ruby made by Bazza. It is set in the Topaz Region.

Which Nuzlocke is the hardest? ›

1- Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are the hardest main-series Pokémon games to Nuzlocke. You'll face brutal Totem battles, trainers with perfect EVs and IVs on their Pokémon, powerful opponents at every stage of the game, and, of course, Ultra Necrozma.

Is breeding banned in Nuzlocke? ›

While it's not technically against the rules to breed Pokémon during a Nuzlocke run, many players feel that this cheapens the experience. The No Breeding Clause is rather self-explanatory. A player cannot breed Pokémon during their run, because doing so allows an infinite number of Pokémon.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.