How to Lose Weight in 60 Days (2024)

Setting goals is essential if you want to learn how to lose weight in 60 days. We're here to help you get started and keep you going!

We get it, you work hard to ensure your family has everything they need even it means sacrificing time for yourself.

Unfortunately, hectic lifestyles, unhealthy eating habits, and a lack of free time often lead to weight gain.

That's probably why you're wondering how to lose weight in 60 days!

The good news is that it is possible!

You’ll need to spend a little time preparing for your weight loss, and there will be some changes to your lifestyle.

It is best to lose weight slowly as this creates lifelong habits that will keep the weight off.

But, if you’re serious about learning how to lose weight in 60 days, follow this guide to get the results you’re looking for.

To stay fit and healthy you need to be active. But which is better, formal workouts or daily movement? Find out here!

Get the program 50,891 guys over 40 are using to get results like these


How to Lose Weight in 60 Days

Before you can start losing weight, you’re going to need to prepare yourself mentally and physically.

Don’t worry, this isn't as hard as it sounds!

It’s essential to understand that 2-3 lbs of weight loss a week is a healthy and sustainable rate.

This means a target weight loss of between 16 and 24 pounds within 60 days.

The basic approach to losing weight is simply to eat fewer calories than your body needs.

However, to boost your weight loss, you need to include exercise in your weekly routine.

You shouldn't reduce your calorie intake too dramatically as you need the energy and motivation to stay active.

If your body doesn't have enough energy to exercise, it will convert cells in your body to energy.

These can be fat cells or muscle cells!

Since you don’t want to lose muscle, focus on consuming approximately 500 calories less than your daily maintenance amount.

Find out what to expect while losing weight and how you can set REALISTIC expectations.

Start by Setting Your Goals

Creating a goal is as simple as deciding how much weight you want to lose.

However, you should be aiming for 2-3 lbs of weight loss a week; your 60-day weight loss goal should be around the 25 lb mark.

To be successful, you need to know your starting point and be aware that you can lose fat without losing weight.

The first step is to step on your scales and confirm your current weight. You should also check your BMI and measure key parts of your body, such as your waist, thighs, and even your arms.

Knowing your starting point will help you to set your goals and monitor your progress.

You should be checking BMI, weight, and body measurements every week.

It can be disappointing to get on the scales after a week and find they haven’t moved. Your initial reaction is that the weight loss plan isn't working.

However, exercising while losing weight means that you may be toning your muscles up, effectively increasing your weight, and offsetting any weight loss.

That’s why the other measurements are so important. If your waist is reducing, but your weight isn't, you’re still getting healthier and moving towards your target.

Here’s How Busy Guys 40+ Are Finally Losing Weight…

If you’re in your 40s, 50s, & 60s, you need to eat and exercise differently to lose weight & actually keep it off…

Here’s the proven program that over 38,000 busy guys 40+ are using to lose weight without restrictive diets»

Shopping for Your 60 Day Plan

There are several items you’ll need to purchase in order to start your 60-day weight loss plan:

Kitchen Scales

In order to measure portion size and cook your own food, you’re going to need a good pair of kitchen scales. If you haven’t already got some, you need to get them.

Meal Prep Containers

One of the best ways of sticking to a meal plan is to spend a little time preparing your meals in advance.

You’ll find it effective if you prepare 3-4 days worth of meals on a Sunday and Wednesday.

But, to keep the food properly and make sure you can grab it quickly, you’re going to need some food prep containers.

These will help you to take food with you and to resist the fast food temptation.

Good Set of Knives

If you’re not currently a great chef, then there’s a good chance the kitchen knives you currently have are not up to this new challenge.

Investing in a decent set will make it easier for you to prepare your food and eat more healthily.


Now that your kitchen is ready, you need to think about the food items you have at home and what you should be getting on your next trip to the grocery store.

You also need to make sure you have the right groceries ready for you to discover how to lose weight in 60 days.

This means no more processed foods.

Here’s A Free Weight Loss Meal Plan For Busy Men 40+

Discover exactly what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to lose belly fat & feel energized 24/7 without hard dieting...

Download this Free Meal Plan here. Join over 400,000 other guys 40+ using this meal plan to lose weight»

Enlist Support

You can lose weight by yourself, but you’ll find it is much easier when you have the support of your friends and loved ones.

When you’re willpower is flagging they will help you stick to your plan.

It’s also a good idea to enlist the help of others going through the same process.

Join the FF30X today and share your progress!

You’ll be inspired by what others have achieved and gain access to advice top tips and the support of fellow men looking to discover how to lose weight in 60 days.

The bottom line is you’ll create accountability.

Nothing makes you lose weight better than knowing you have to report your progress.

See the program 38,000 guys over 40 are using to get results like these


Essential Nutrition Information

OK, to lose weight, you have to eat less.

Fewer calories in means less fat stored.

Combine this with exercise, and you’ll be burning fat and increasing the speed of your weight loss.

But what do you eat?

Keep It Balanced

Focus on balanced meals.

Try the perfect plate approach, which encourages you to make every plate ½ vegetables, ¼ carbs, and ¼ protein.

For inspiration, check out this free 1-day meal plan.

Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods often have lots of sugar, salt, and refined carbs.

Instead, check the ingredient labels and avoid any with hidden or added sugar.

Ideally, they should have whole grains.

Whole grain bread, cereal, and oatmeal are all great starting points.

For protein, choose lean turkey, white meat (avoiding the skin), lean beef, tuna steaks, fresh salmon, and even pork tenderloin.

You can also get protein from dairy products such as Greek yogurt, low-fat milk, eggs, and low-fat cottage cheese.

To prepare your own meals, use brown rice, whole grain pasta, dried lentils, or quinoa/other whole grains.

Of course, vegetables and fruit are fairly easy, just choose the fresh ones not pre-packed.

Skip the desserts, use the above foods and the free 1-day meal plan, and fill your plate according to the perfect plate approach.

You’ll still enjoy your food, and you’ll notice the difference in your waistline.

Learn about the best foods for weight loss and try this sustainable men's diet plan to lose weight and keep it off.

Adopt the Right Approach

Having discovered how to lose weight in 60 days, you’ll want to get stuck straight in. This is good!

The first 30-60 days are essential to building your habits.

These will allow you to keep your new healthy approach to life even after you’ve lost the weight.

However, it is important to remember your starting point.

If you’ve not exercised for some time, then you can’t start running a half-marathon.

The trick to successfully changing eating habits and adding exercise is to change a little at a time.

Trying to do too much in one go is a recipe for failure of injury.

Taking one small step at a time will still give you the results you want!

See the programs38,000 guys over 40 are using to get results like these


Choose a Workout Plan

You’ve got your food worked out. Now it’s time to start exercising.

Remember, start slowly to avoid injury.

Your aim is to complete all the following exercises.

But you should do as much as you can to start with and build your endurance.


Cardio is the first thing most people think of when trying to lose weight.

Completing 30 minutes of cardio five times a week will help you to burn calories and lose fat.

In essence, anything that makes you sweat while increasing your heart rate classifies as cardio.

This could be cycling, running, swimming, or playing sports like football, squash, or even badminton.

However, don’t forget, it is relative to your current fitness level.

If walking the dog briskly around the block elevates your heart rate and makes you sweat, that’s a good place to start.

Learn about burning fat during cardio and the best types of cardio that you can do to lose weight.

Strength Training

Cardio helps you burn calories, improves your endurance, and helps ensure you have a healthy heart. But you also need to be doing strength training.

I know, you’re looking to lose weight not create the body of a weightlifter!

In short, muscle cells burn more calories than fat cells. The greater your muscle mass, the easier it will be to burn fat and look toned.

You should aim to have three strength training sessions a week,

Again you’ll need to start light and gradually increase the weights you’re using.

Here are some good exercises to start with:

  • Barbell squats
  • Weighted lunges
  • Dumbbell bench press
  • Tricep dips
  • Pull-ups
  • Push-ups
  • Deadlift
  • Farmers walk
  • Planks

Your aim is to complete all of the above exercises three times a week.

Each exercise should be done for 10-12 reps.

Complete them as a circuit and take a 2-minute rest before repeating the circuit twice, creating three sets of 10-12 reps.

You should start with a lightweight that enables you to complete all the sets, 5 lb is fine.

Add a little more each week to increase the difficulty and build your muscles.

You can check out this free workout for some more inspiration.

Strength training for older guys requires a different approach to exercise and muscle building.

Flexibility Training

Before you exercise, you should warm-up, and warm down afterward.

But, you should also consider doing a few flexibility exercises every day.

These are often overlooked, although they are essential for a healthy, pain-free body.

Try some basic yoga moves or palates.

Can stretching improve your weight loss results? Here's the answer!

Your 60 Day Weight Loss Plan

In 60 days you can comfortably lose between 16-24 pounds, potentially more if you’re currently heavily overweight.

To help you get started and achieve your goal of how to lose weight in 60 days, adopt the following approach.

Days 1-10

  • 10 minutes cardio of your choice every other day.
  • Complete the strength training exercises every other day, (ideally opposing days to the cardio). Start with a 5 lb weight and see if you can hit 10 lbs by the end of 10 days. It’s OK just to do one set of each exercise.

Days 11-20

  • 20 minutes of cardio every other day.
  • Strength training exercises every other day. Continue increasing the weight and aim for 15 lbs at the end of this 10 day period. You should be aiming for two sets now.

Days 21-30

  • 30 minutes of cardio every other day.
  • Continue strength training aiming for 20 lbs by the end of your first 30 days. However, it’s more important that you do three sets. If this means that you can’t increase the weight yet that’s fine.

Days 31-40

  • 30 minutes of cardio 4 days a week. Ideally, do two days, rest one day, then do another two, with two days rest.
  • Strength training three times a week. Three sets should now be your norm, and you can start increasing the weight according to your abilities.

Days 41-50

  • 30 minutes of cardio five days a week. Try three days on, one off, two on, and one more rest day.
  • Three sets of 10-12 strength training reps, and keep trying to increase the weight you’re lifting. If you can do three sets of 10 reps, you’re ready to increase your weight, even if this means doing two sets of 10 reps and one set of 3 reps.

Days 51-60

  • Keep going! You should have built a habit now, and you’ll want to keep doing your cardio and strength training, pushing yourself to lift more or run further.

Most importantly, join FF30X and share your results to inspire others.

How to Lose Weight in 60 Days (11)

Meet SuperFuel. The Delicious Protein Shake Packed With 40+ Energy-Boosting Vitamins & Superfoods (Designed For Busy Men)

How to Lose Weight in 60 Days (13)

As a busy guy, it’s challenging to stay consistent with healthy eating. That’s why we created SuperFuel… the delicious “all-in-one” nutrition shake for busy guys 40+ to give your body the protein + key nutrients you need for more energy, fat burning, and muscle building.

Click here to learn more about SuperFuel: the delicious “secret weapon” guys are using to feel energized 24/7 and finally stay consistent with healthy eating »

Pat Yourself on the Back

You’ve made it through 60 days and built habits that will last you a lifetime.

It’s time to weigh yourself and take all the relevant measurements.

Don’t forget that you may not have lost as much weight as you hoped, but you’ll notice the difference in your waist measurement and even your biceps!

Try the free workout again and share your results with the Fit Father Project.

Don’t forget to reward yourself for your impressive efforts and results!

How to Lose Weight in 60 Days (15)

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi, NMD
Men's Health Doctor & Founder
The Fit Father Project & Fit Mother Project

Founder Fit Father Project, Founder Fit Mother Project

After watching his own Dad lose his health and pass away at the young age of 42, Dr. Balduzzi founded The Fit Father Project and Fit Mother Project to help busy dads and moms get and stay healthy for their families.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi holds dual degrees in Psychology & Nutrition from the University of Pennsylvania, a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine, and is also a former national champion bodybuilder. He’s is most proud of the fact that he’s helped over 40,000 families in over 100 countries lose weight and get healthy for life.

Here’s How Busy Fathers Over 40 Are Finally Burning Stubborn Belly Fat & Getting Healthy Without Restrictive Diets or Time-Consuming Workouts

This proven "Fit Father Program" has helped 38,000 busy men 40+ lose weight, rebuild muscle, and finally keep the weight off.

If you're frustrated with stubborn belly fat, failed diets, and time-consuming workouts, this is the answer you’ve been looking for…

Join 38,000 guys in over 108 countries that are using Fit Father Project to lose weight. You get everything you need to succeed – including:

  • The Fit Father Meal Plan – with simple & delicious recipes
  • Safe & Effective Workouts Program – only 90 min/week
  • VIP Accountability Coaching – our Fit Father Team will personally walk you to success, step-by-step.


*Please know that weight loss results & health changes/improvements vary from individual to individual; you may not achieve similar results. Always consult with your doctor before making health decisions. This is not medical advice – simply very well-researched info on how to lose weight in 60 days.

How to Lose Weight in 60 Days (2024)


How to Lose Weight in 60 Days? ›

It's essential to understand that 2-3 lbs of weight

Average adult human weight varies by continent, from about 60 kg (130 lb) in Asia and Africa to about 80 kg (180 lb) in North America, with men on average weighing more than women. › wiki › Human_body_weight
loss a week is a healthy and sustainable rate. This means a target weight loss of between 16 and 24 pounds within 60 days. The basic approach to losing weight is simply to eat fewer calories than your body needs.

How much weight can I realistically lose in 60 days? ›

Most people should aim to lose 0.5-1% of their body weight per week. This means that in a 60 day period, you could lose between 4-8% of your body weight. For example, someone who is 250lbs could expect to lose anywhere between 10-20lbs of weight in a 60-day period.

How can I lose 20 lb in 60 days? ›

Here are the 10 best ways to quickly and safely drop 20 pounds.
  1. Count calories. ...
  2. Drink more water. ...
  3. Increase your protein intake. ...
  4. Reduce your refined carb consumption. ...
  5. Start lifting weights. ...
  6. Eat more fiber. ...
  7. Follow a sleep schedule. ...
  8. Add cardio to your routine.

How to lose 10 pounds in 60 days? ›

9 Expert Tips for Safe Weight Loss
  1. Create a Calorie Deficit. ...
  2. Choose Water Over Sugary Beverages. ...
  3. Limit Processed Foods. ...
  4. Eat More Protein. ...
  5. Eat More Vegetables. ...
  6. Get Enough Sleep.
Jan 10, 2024

How to lose 10 pounds in a month 14 simple steps? ›

Eat 500-1,000 fewer calories a day.

Eating fewer calories is one of the best ways to lose weight. By reducing your daily caloric intake by 500-1,000 calories, you'll lose 1-2 pounds per week, depending on your weight and how much you currently eat. Combined with exercise, this can help you lose 10 pounds in a month.

Can you lose 20lbs in 2 months? ›

Losing 20 pounds in 2 months is challenging, but not impossible. Doing so would require an average daily deficit of about 1,250 calories for 2 months.

What is the most extreme diet to lose weight? ›

10 Extreme Weight Loss Methods from History
  • Cigarette Diet. In the 1920s, doctors prescribed the cigarette diet to curb hunger while trying to lose weight. ...
  • Chewing Diet. ...
  • Avoiding Swamps Diet. ...
  • Cotton Ball Diet. ...
  • Drinking Man's Diet. ...
  • Graham Diet. ...
  • Slimming Soaps Diet. ...
  • Tapeworm Diet.
Jan 23, 2023

How to get slim in 2 months? ›

Methods of weight loss that scientific research supports include the following:
  1. Trying intermittent fasting. ...
  2. Tracking your diet and exercise. ...
  3. Eating mindfully. ...
  4. Eating protein with meals. ...
  5. Cutting back on sugar and refined carbohydrates. ...
  6. Eating plenty of fiber. ...
  7. Balancing gut bacteria. ...
  8. Getting a good night's sleep.

What is the maximum weight loss in 2 months? ›

This is why rapid weight loss diets often cause people to regain the weight they lost instead of keeping it off. Experts generally agree that losing one to two pounds per week is safe and sustainable. You should aim to lose between eight and 16 pounds over the course of two months.

How to lose weight in 60 days at home? ›

How To Lose 20 Pounds In 60 Days
  1. Track What You Eat. Get into the habit of recording the food you eat and how many calories you consumed after each meal and snack. ...
  2. Fill Up on Whole Foods. ...
  3. Start With a Salad. ...
  4. Take Time to Eat. ...
  5. Avoid High-Calorie Drinks. ...
  6. Get (and Stay) Active. ...
  7. Start Weightlifting. ...
  8. Amp Up Your Cardio.

What is the best time to walk to lose weight? ›

Researchers say exercising between 7–9 a.m. is best for weight management. Morning exercisers had a lower body mass index and waist circumference than those exercising later. Experts say better sleep, mental health, brain health, and physiological health are also important benefits of exercise.

Does drinking water help you lose weight? ›

Water can be a helpful part of a weight loss journey. It's 100% calorie-free, may help you burn more calories, and may even suppress your appetite if consumed before meals. The benefits are even greater when you replace sugary beverages with water.

How many steps should I walk a day to lose 10 pounds in a month? ›

Since there are 3,500 calories in 1 pound, "this means to lose 1 pound, you'll need to walk roughly 35 miles or 70,000 steps. Over the course of a week, this means targeting 10,000 steps a day," says Davis. At this rate, you could lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks.

What is a good appetite suppressant? ›

7 Natural Appetite Suppressants Recommended by Experts
  • Chili Peppers. Chili peppers—and other spicy ingredients like red pepper flakes or hot sauce—can help suppress appetite due to their heat. ...
  • Glucomannan. ...
  • Water. ...
  • Protein-Rich Foods. ...
  • Flaxseed. ...
  • Psyllium Husk. ...
  • Green Tea.
Jan 5, 2024

How much weight can I realistically lose in 2 months? ›

This is why rapid weight loss diets often cause people to regain the weight they lost instead of keeping it off. Experts generally agree that losing one to two pounds per week is safe and sustainable. You should aim to lose between eight and 16 pounds over the course of two months.

Can you lose 30 pounds in 60 days? ›

Losing 30 pounds in such a relatively short period of time is not realistic for most people. A sustainable and safe rate of weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week, which would make you about 16 pounds lighter in 60 days time.

How much can you change your body in 60 days? ›

You can expect to lose 4-16lbs in 60 days. This equals a rate of 0.5-2lbs per week, which is a realistic and sustainable approach for most people. Losing weight at this rate can ensure that you don't lose too much muscle mass, and you won't have to drop your daily calorie intake to dangerously low levels.

Is 60 days enough to get in shape? ›

And if you exercise regularly, over time you will gain even more fitness benefits. “At 6 to 8 weeks, you can definitely notice some changes,” said Logie, “and in 3 to 4 months you can do a pretty good overhaul to your health and fitness.” Strength-specific results take about the same amount of time.

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.