Easy Lentil Potato Soup Recipe (2024)

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Easy Lentil Potato Soup Recipe – quick and simple to make, chunky, hearty and comforting meal, perfect for the cold weather. Nutritious lentils, rich in protein and fiber, combined with potatoes for a healthy and flavorful soup.

Easy Lentil Potato Soup Recipe (1)

This Easy Lentil Potato Soup Recipe comes together in under one hour and is perfect for an effortless weekday family meal.

My family loves lentils and specifically lentil soup and I feel like I have to cook soups like thisEasy Lentil Potato Soup more often.

This Easy Slow Cooker Lentil and Potato Chili is one of our favorite healthy meals.

I also have a recipe for Curried red Lentil Quinoa Soup and Red Lentil Soup Recipe.

It is so easy to make in one pot, but you can definitely try making it in a slow cooker.

A soup with lentils and potatoes

The first time I tried something similar I was impressed.

This combination of lentils and potatoes is perfect!

Easy Lentil Potato Soup Recipe (2)

Why did I add potatoes to a lentil soup?

  • Adding potatoes to thisEasy Lentil Potato Soup makes is a lot more nutritious and filling.
  • I’ve found out that soups with just lentils tend to often be pretty light and good for lunch or a side, but not a complete meal.
  • My son also loves hearty soups like thisEasy Lentil Potato Soup, so I needed to come up with more simple soup recipes.
  • You can also blend it for small children.
Easy Lentil Potato Soup Recipe (3)

I haven’t had a lot of time to cook 2-3 meals each day, that involve different courses, so recipes like this have been my favorite lately.

What lentils to use in thisEasy Lentil Potato Soup Recipe?

  • Green lentils work best in thisEasy Lentil Potato Soup Recipe.
  • This time I used a combination of red split, green and black lentils, that my husband had purchased online.
  • I do not advice using red split lentils only, because they cook a lot quicker that potatoes.
  • Either green or a combination like the one I used should work best.

What kind of potatoes to use in this lentil potato soup?

  • I used a mix of small red and yellow potatoes, that I did not even peel, but any potatoes of your choice will work.
  • You can also use sweet potatoes, but keep in mind that the taste will differ.
Easy Lentil Potato Soup Recipe (4)

Easy Lentil Potato Soup Recipe (5)

Easy Lentil Potato Soup Recipe

Easy Lentil Potato Soup Recipe – quick and simple to make, chunky, hearty and comforting meal, perfect for the cold weather. Nutritious lentils, rich in protein and fiber, combined with potatoes for a healthy and flavorful soup.

Prep: 10 minutes mins

Cook: 35 minutes mins

Total: 45 minutes mins

Servings: 6

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  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 cup diced onion
  • 1 carrot, large, 3 – 4 oz
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste
  • 1/4 cup tomato sauce, optional
  • 1 1/4 cups lentils, I used a mix of green, red split and black lentils, but green only work great.
  • 12 oz potatoes, cut into bite sized pieces
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 1/4 tsp thyme
  • 1/2 tsp oregano
  • 4-5 cups water

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  • Heat oil in a large pot or Dutch oven. Add onion and cook for 1 minute. Add garlic and carrots. Cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring frequently, to prevent burning.

  • Add in the tomato paste, tomato sauce and lentils. Cook for 1 minute. Add potatoes. Pour 4 cups of water on top. Add salt, pepper, thyme and oregano. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for 25-35 minutes, until the lentils are cooked and potatoes are tender.

  • Taste the soup and add more salt and pepper if needed. Serve warm.


Add up to 1 more cup of water, if you don’t want the soup to be too thick.

Instead for water, you can use vegetable or chicken stock (broth) for more flavor.

You can add 1 bay leaf if you are a fan of the flavor.


Calories: 224kcal, Carbohydrates: 33g, Protein: 12g, Fat: 5g, Saturated Fat: 3g, Sodium: 432mg, Potassium: 691mg, Fiber: 14g, Sugar: 1g, Vitamin A: 1755IU, Vitamin C: 10.4mg, Calcium: 50mg, Iron: 5mg

Nutrition information is automatically calculated, so should only be used as an approximation.

Additional Info

Course: Soup

Cuisine: American

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Easy Lentil Potato Soup Recipe (2024)


Do I have to cook lentils before adding to soup? ›

Do you cook lentils before adding to soup? Nope! Dried lentils cook in 35 minutes in the soup, and there's no need to soak them either!

Why is my lentil soup tasteless? ›

To avoid a bland lentil soup, use a flavorful broth—whether that's homemade or store-bought chicken or vegetable broth. The other key is building flavor. To do so, use aromatics like onions and garlic, include fresh or dried herbs, and season well with salt and pepper.

How do you thicken lentil soup? ›

This lentil soup should be fairly thick, but if you prefer a thicker soup, mix 1 tablespoon of cornstarch with 1 tablespoon of water in a small bowl.

Why is my lentil soup so thick? ›

Go easy—if you purée the soup too much, it will get too thick and you'll lose the integrity of the lentils. If you don't have an immersion blender, transfer a few cups of the soup to a standard blender and purée, then return the blended soup to the pot.

What happens if I don't rinse lentils? ›

While it seems like an unnecessary step, don't skip rinsing your lentils and sifting through them before cooking to remove any stones or debris. It is rare to find stones, but it does happen.

What happens if you don't soak lentils before cooking? ›

Why Should You Soak Lentils? Certain pulses have a natural drive of causing gas and bloating in the body. Soaking mimics the natural germination process and changes the seed that is dormant and indigestible into the dal laden with nutrients and complete digestibility.

What makes lentils taste better? ›

If you don't have stock on hand, add onion, carrots, celery, garlic cloves and/or herbs to the pot. All of these are mild flavors that can jump in any direction depending on how you're going to use the cooked lentils.

Can you overcook lentils in soup? ›

4. Cooking them at too rapid of a simmer. Mushy, overcooked lentils are far from tasty.

Why does lentil soup upset my stomach? ›

Eating lentils can cause gas and bloating because they're high in fiber that your body is unable to break down. While fiber plays a large role in supporting and regulating your digestive system and bowel movements, it can also produce bacteria that leads to cramping and gas pains.

How much does 1 cup of dried lentils make? ›

1 cup dry lentils = about 2 ½ cups cooked lentils. Lentils increase in volume about 2 ½ times when cooked. How much is 1 serving of lentils? Plan for about 1 to 1 ½ cups of cooked lentils per serving.

Do potatoes thicken soup? ›

Absorption of liquid: When mashed potatoes are added to soup, the starch molecules in the potatoes start absorbing the liquid present in the soup. As the starch absorbs the liquid, it swells and thickens the surrounding mixture.

Is lentil soup good for you? ›

Lentils are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, without the fat or cholesterol of red meat. If you're trying to find a quick, nutritious dinner and wondering, “Is lentil soup good for me?” the answer is “yes.” (The only decision is what color lentils to use!)

Why did my lentil soup turn black? ›

the color change you've observed is from oxidation. If you want to prevent this, lay some plastic wrap over the surface of your lentils to prevent air from getting to them, or add some acid, like lime juice, to the recipe.

What is the white stuff in lentil soup? ›

Those look to be radicles (embryonic stems, the part the root grows from) that have separated from the lentils. If you look closely at the less squished lentils in your soup, you'll probably see some with the radicles still attached.

What to pair lentil soup with? ›

Pair this lentil soup with crusty bread or a hearty salad like my kale salad or sweet potato salad. It would also go well with a vegetable side dish like roasted cauliflower, roasted broccoli, or a baked sweet potato.

Do I need to pre cook lentils? ›

Nope! Unlike lots of other dried pulses (such as some dried beans), lentils don't need to be soaked before cooking. This means they're really quick and easy to use – you can decide you want to cook lentils when you're already ready to start cooking, and they can be ready to eat not long after.

What happens if you don't cook lentils all the way? ›

In addition, undercooked lentils stay with lectin, an ingredient that may cause stomach problems like diarrhea or even food poisoning.

Do lentils have to be fully cooked? ›

Honestly, the best way to tell if lentils are done are to taste them. They should be tender to the bite, with some varieties of lentils being a bit more firm and others more soft. That said, if you would like your lentils to be softer, just simmer them a few minutes longer until they reaches your desired consistency.

Why won't my lentils soften in soup? ›

Editor: First, I wonder how old your lentils are. If they're more than a year or two old, they will often stay crunchy in the middle no matter how long you cook them! Another trick is to wait to add salt or acidic ingredients until near the end of cooking. Take a look at our post on cooking lentils for some more help!

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