EARN barber trade rtools given; wages paid after 4 weeks; hydraulic chair; electric massage; we guarantee to teach you. Call or writ Miller Barber school. j07 Main Buffalo. N. Y.
aep25toctl STEADY workers wanted to make household specialty at home during whole or spare time; no selling; write for particulars. W. DepU- Say res Meredith Toledo. O. 24t30 YTTANTED Timekeeper; a shop floor V.
timekeeper; one who has had actual experience in taking time at the machine bench, with knowledge of mechanical methods, machine operations, factory details, do not otherwise apply; full details as to reference, experience, etc. required in first letter. Address Box Timekeeper. Buffalo Courier. sep23tf WANTED Machinists to operate planers, lathes, shapers and plain mill-.
Ing machines; good wages to experienced men. Apply The Canadian Crocker-Wheeler St. Catharines, Ont. Copyrlebt, 1915, by K. Ia Goldberg.
OLAh YOU MSA)GReb ILL STfKt YOVJ OAJ A AlV02-nse7eMT fOR YoO PEAR To hrJe fLLR.VGkr to ujear. a UiPsVi. is OER yoo cam You Lje ot to exerrAXioM rrr-e co -me ztt; T-s-, SALARY LL sole sss I THOUair OFTilAt Jam Tf mWt i lwV yUK "7A NTED H1G CLAS9 SALESMAN TO CALL ON BEST CLASS TRADE IN BUFFALO. PROPOSITION WILL PAY OVER J50 A WEEK. FOR INTERVIEW CALL 527 WHITE BLDG.
T. sep25tf i. AllOREKS wanted. 254 Michigan. M.
P.romett. sep27toct3 1 4 tlol'BEft FOR SALK. IIOI SED FOR lAtE. PERSONAL. HOARD AND ROOMS.
YOUR HOME The right place. cjACrtlElcE Two-fsmlly houM In Kim- wood section; I rotns In sach (ll bath, hot air furnace, hardwood floors, natural gas, electricity, shade screons, room for garage; better than t''Vj iMr cent on Investment; Ik11i rsts wiJU tented: easy terms. Market. a Chlpews Tuper 2dt. BOAKR AND ROOMJ.
rpill-: ColIXKLL, 1200 Main Uoom and board, tourists accommodated. P.TI Terrace. 1331 Main fur-nisiietl rooms, steam beat, electric illit plioiie; board if desired. TF.KY desirable suite of rooms with private o.nh; also front room With riicove and siiigle room, furnished or'- un-t'ui nisiu-! ftirnace lieat; 'all comfortH of a private home. West near Porter.
Telephone Tupper 741 J. rpni: Franklin, from Oc- JIJSEY mi. Kensington Avenue at Bailey. Convenient location, reasonable restrictions, low prices, easy terms in a section of the city where values are going up fast. Take No.
12 Kensington car direct to Kinsev Estates and see for yourself, or phone us and we will call for you wjtli an auto. ONSET REALTY CO. if aiWOKAMIEY eornsr hous4. Her-klmer and Arkansas; 1 small mount money needd six rooms each fist; newly decorated; porcelain bat lis. separate furnaces, coal or gas.
cellars snd attic; housa In excellent repair; Jot tan bin Id house In rear, facing Arkansas; both flat rented to reliable people; Investmant shows butler than It per oenu Phona Owner, Oxford 24-R. TWO-famlly house on Kat rerry Hsmlln Park; nearly new; hardwood trim throughout; ilwtrlo lights; A rooms In each fist; Komsn brick fireplaces, tile laundries, natural gas, latest yp of combination coal and gas furnace, handsome fixtures and latest pattern range; completa quip ment of shades awning snd screens; well retried to unusually desirable tenants; new restricted residential section, near lars lark; 12-mlniils direct car tide to business renter lot SnslAd faet; small amount of cash needed' Investment will net hettar than 1 per cent. For particulars and permit for inspection address Owner. lt4 Courier Offica, or thon Henaca 735; evenlnr. North 4tr-J.
4 eight-room house and a ten-room house in Hamburg; each with a nlcM 101; imiunu gaa ami an improvement ran' give Immcdlsts possession of nna Ja them. A. J. Morton, 710 Whit TUdR. 3 HKAI.
KSTATR IOR KtlR. 1ANK NO department, stat of Naw 1 Tiork offers for sal Hotel Chltan- hsro, located en tna west sld of Frank, lln near Chippewa; front l-j feet, depth 1 feet! prle fTS.Poa Property known as 114 Walden An, eonalst-Ing of frame building occupied ss tors and two apartment, and frame dwelling In rear; plot 1-1 feet front by Ut fet 1 'ANTED Two good experienced men (o help on vans today; call early; Blso rirFt-clasa furniture warehouse packer, cold Spring Storage Main and Gl." 27t29 vrAC i-'s, renls and claims of any de-, srnption collected on percentage anywhere; we ran get your money for you leedawl Mercantile Ageiicy, Dept. I). Jamestown. N.
Y. aug22tf Toe "I A I l.KOAD laborers ship (today; also i-umu cook. Murphy's. 12 South Dl- i 10 r. St.
sep2Htoctl employment office for help or .1 jots. The Buffalo Restaurant Asso ciation. Zol aahinv'ton St. fiep2Stoct4 teach driving, carburation. Ignition, complete course; fi garages Practical Automob.le Training School.
75; Kliicott square. sep2Stoctl FLOORMEN k.pkum:nci-:1' cloak and (jUiT 11.1'.; I APPLY SIPT U.U.TKU I. P.KMF.I.L. 5t2i MAIN ST. IF you want help of any kind or seeking employment, i nl at Murphy's Employment Agein 12 South Division St.
24t30 CHAUFFEURS uet week. Earn while learnii sample lessons free, write us immediately'. Franklin Institute. Dept. Rochester.
N. Y. H.extuc&thur "OAILWAY Malt Clerks anted 7o. 00 a month; Buffalo examinations coming; sample question free. Write immediately.
Franklin Institute, i'ept Rochester. N. Y. loot leX.tueA: thur TWEIA year' him I a small mull "rder liu-iic at Home, in spare time a few capital; I wanted to make SM or SUo iiimitu, evenings; the net the iir-t averaKed $20" a week; five lotted uie ioO.ooo: 1 will show you fcow to -tart a smull mail order l.ii-iness; -end p. day for my proposition: it no canvassing.
Heuco*ck. Hox tiTl. l.o. kport. N.
V. sep l.wcd.f i t. n. ep2fl and Ili.ikctaen positions ob-. cuti'd free for men.
Good K.iilvvuv dire Bulfalo Coi.ne. 6, 1l.l i tor work in Great 1 1 1 6 months contract, only union men Crttish extraction eligible. .1 1'. o. York i'it IKSMITIIS a I for work in hs contract: Briram ell II1M; Address 1 1 NIST turn work in only un.o llKilde New York laiffalo Kin i -us.
Si n.ic onlv eilgil.l. Sew 'i it IWitish extraction i. l'. o. Box is and fittens wanted tiritain; months men of British J.
for the best n. -o West KaKle. coin r.i tract i 'oinei Men with good jobs to buy lies and diamonds for Jl a week. rd's, 14 Mvision St. A I.N' barber trade; tuition tools Ki' i wapes paid, hydraulic chairs, electric massage.
Tn-City Barber School. 150 M.oti Buffalo. N. Y. BKAN 11 raaiuRirs, agents, mad order bet oners and ma order house- wanted to handle our big ey; free literature: writ, today.
I. -HI W. 103d St Cleveland. Man with two or three ais' machine shop expericn.e. Apply Di.inioud Saw.
Ui7 Seventh La bore for railroad. $1.60 "da. Agency. Kxchange St. octi VA.TKD-A high-grade specialty man to consumers and jobbers "Public individual paper towels and cups- toldetj, ami interleaved by patented process dispensed from white enameled, loc ked abiitets; a high-grade iiecialty man ac pia.nted with hotels, restaurants, salmons d.sinfeetant and janitor suppjy trade l-ns'- corporations, municipalities.
tc. Vf f- Apply in person. Mr Baruli tl Statier. between and 11 t. tc Fntm hands.
40 fruit pickers. 3 good 'J tear-i-terx dairy man. 15 laborers, Austrian laborers, road work; roofers, cleaning m.m handy man. iwrter. John- son lanj.loyment.
4J t-eneca i. Ciii'l' for liotel. porter, waiter, busboy. ntsiit Johnsons Employment, 4:1 Seneca Si r-r Men wanted today to fill places .) Johnson's Employment, 43 Opel Sen- a specialist in business; be a n-air join the night classes at Brvant Stratton follek'e; tuitiou a wei-k now forming in English, shorthand. drafting, business; tor catalosrue.
HELP WANTEB nFTJIALK. EARN liHHuty Culture We teach all branches. Hair dressing, manicuring and scalp treating included. Two weeks Post Grad iate Course, $10. EUsworth School.
Huron Rldg sP10" A DAM. MELDRUM fA ANDERSON CO. require BOOK and STATIONERY SALESWOMEN. Only those having thorbugh experience need apply. f-v Salary for 60 days work paid lady in each town to distribute free circulars and take orders for White Kih-bon Concentrated Flavoring.
J. S. Zieg-ler Chi. ago. tttaITRESKS, maids, cooks, pantry housework girls.
Johnson's Employment. 4: Seneca St. EE Buffalo Employment for the best positions. jj nesi r.ame. VOl'NO or middle age lady for office JL work; good penman: some references.
Address Assistant 7. liuffalo Courier. YOUNG girl tor Elm wood Ave. kitchen work. 7C6 "Tf HELP WANTED.
Hlnv man or man hiio ne siMHii farm near Lake Krie trolley and Buf-lo- roust work reasonably Tgr winter Sonihs no trucking. Addreft Derby, Buffalo Courier NT ED 15.000 men and women to become U. government employes; 115.00 month; vacations; common education sumcient; write immediately for free list of positions now obtainable. Frank-lin Institute. Dept.
2a3-G, Rochester. N. nn mu sept4toctl0.exmon,tue&thur BE a detective Earn $100 to S00 per month; travel over the world Write Superintendent Ludwig, 61 Wcstover Kansas City. Mo. au g29.
wed, tf ElTCATlbXg WAXTED MALK. "OOOKKEEPER; civil service ollgihle; raiiroaa experience; ow; nection. Bookkeeper, Box 40, care Buf- deep; price liberal terms. Address sll enquIHe to Hent. I.
Height, Special lieputy rare henklng I apartment. 1 1 Broad war, Nw Tork city, i "t-MllI Hit.l..1) ntm n' uii avf xived street: sidewalk; natural 4 Ml dolls rs: also aSfamlly Henry-Halm. 124 Hoaa Ave. 1 Wll 1 IAMSV 1 1 I. -K HTf, 1(7" Anractiv unniiNw, dwiv two seres land.
tnree minuies rrom Main electne liahts. hoi anit wl4 7 SOFT and stiff hats cleaned and re-blocked. U. W. Hat Store.
13 N. Division. OI.l gold and silver, bought at Jul! value. Seneca I.oiin Jewelry S4 Seneca next to Stoddart's. SA I tbf JA FKTV razor blades sharpened better mat-y, sei10toct'-'l and I'earl JJAJJt'KS Razor blades sharpened by i expert.
Chippewa llnnd Shop. i-'O W. Chippewa 'no pharmacy). atiglltoctl TATC1I crystal. 5c; best main spring fifty; watch cleaned, fifty; eyes examined free; work guaranteed; wedding rings, watches jewelry, locks, musical instruments: everything sold proportion ately reasonable, freeman Jewelrv :63 Cenesee.
12t3o CUli.i iwnoved absolutely one piece, positively painless. UolUUerg, Chiropodist, Muiu aud Chippewa. Open even Ings. aprfilf IBy accounts, bills, notes or Judgments of any nature anywhere Claims, care Buffalo Courier. rpEETH F.xpert dentists.
Dr. Templar's all painless; extraction cents; broken plates repair 50 cents: Knllsh rubber plates. with xoltl crown estimates free; fifteen year guarantee; -surgery; corner Main ami Kntrle over Tanke's. No entrance on Main Et. Entrance No.
1 W. Eagle St. septitoct'JO Nr(" is the time to et a koo.1 su.t oi rcoat we have some tine unre-tieenic ones. j.i tajjty Pawnbroker, ltio Seoe, Moin-v to 231 'nlM'XKS, suit casts, traveling bags; reduced prices on wardrobe, dress anil steamer trunks: repairing done. Stum 11148 East eneca: 22t30 MLLK.
hairdresstng and manicuring parlorn. 3 5 Mam all branches of the work taunht; Open Wednesday and Saturday evenings. sept Oct 1 JADIES' and gents' felt, velvet, velom -d ami beaver hats cleaned, dyed anil re-blocked in latest fall new hats trimmed and untrimmeti; millinery supplies, flowers ami fancies; velvet and plush by the yard. New York Buffalo Hat E. Uenesee St.
HepL'itoctl I XPERT wilcU requiring, main spring, Mc cleaning 30c wutoh crjstals, fe work guaranteed. Seneca Loan Jewelry Seneca next door to Stoddart sepit.Ki I ADIES' felt, beaver, velour and velvet hats rebloeked in the new shapes, buetrraiii frames for sale Tile Coop-r Hat Mfg. 13 East Mohawk St sop.toct.22 I )R; BROWN of William an I fferson A Sts. lover tlrug storev has The onlv wonder for painless extraction of teeth. Ilronozone: open evenings.
fepLfttootJ IbT It diitinonils and watches, v1 and Wultham makes nt 6t)e on the S. Seneca Loan Jewelry Sei" a next to Stoddart's. sepltSO N'OTICi: If your watches or clocks give you trouble try R. Hedriort, 15.S3 ien-esee St expert in watch and clock repairing. N'O clock or watch is old to get k-- paired bj K.
Hedrich, Genese. St. yrPEKKH'ors hair nepth ih stroye.l I' "Wizard- guara i-leetl; soltl and demonstrated at Sen-e, a St. Phone Abbott E. attorney at law; law niarnetl relation and Boise.
Idaho. st-pStootJ KI.I.IoTTS. rKAIIL AT IvtC.I.K ST. PiCstaurant under new management business men'? lunch. 11:30 to z.
S'o I tinner from 5 to Special Sunday dinner, 1 to Chinese Hestaurant tipen from noon. T)I' know your wife tells you your ciotf.es look mussy half the time. It isn't necessary. tine fifty a Tnir.th i li keep all your suits anil overcoats cle.m ed. pressed and sterilized: auto will call and deliver; no extra charge: telphom or call today.
Boston St. iCHOOt. for dressmaking for men ain women: tan or wriTe for information West Chippewa Calumet Bldu. I EE Teeth extracted without prold crowns and bridge work. plates.
Hex Deiitistji, Main corner Chippewa. xstin.s IELT beaver ami Velour hats cleaned 1' and rebloeked. Wm. C. Oressel.
suc cessor to Vickt rs. Washington St 3-' TENO Lawyer All legal matters. Write i Attorney. X.c.'.l.i DON'T forget to vote for JoJtn (1. 1 1 -ler for councilman at the n-iviar October 12.
STORAGE. U1GH-GHADK lurnlture storage; one should be as particular in storing their household goods as In banking their money, they should select the best; we have the finest warehouse between New-York and Chicago; separate locked rooms; fine large moving vans; experienced furniture Backers; both nhones Our Own Delivery and Storage Front Ave, and Georgia St. sepltao TVTlT-EDGE Storage We have fine VJT large especially built warehouse for furniture; prices, terms, rates are right; none better; nice, clean, dry, separate locked roomsi slatted rooms where your goods get plenty of Iresh alrj large auto truck for country jobs; moving, piano hoisting, packing household goods for shipment; experienced men on all jobs; both phones. Cold Spring Storage Co. 17t30 DANCtNG.
Niagara Sip. The I.akota, opposite Mc-" Kinley monument Furnished rooms; prices riKht. )0 Whitney Downtown; refined ur- roundings; exceptionally desirable roma; everything new; surprisingly Alow prices; worth investigating; gentlemen only. I'lynjouth Ave. Two-room apart merit's; bath, kitchenette; exceptional plac.
-xt-'y 1 Whitney Cosy front room, in -pri-vate family for two gentlemen; low 17 West Chippewa St. Furnished Tor light housekeeping and sleeping rooms 1 (tt Otis near Ferry, comfort -able room; home hoanl. 1 I C001 --t two Goodrich St. Front room, one or gentlemen; lio.ird nptiqrial. Tupper J777-J.
k)i I'ollege'St. Three furnished keeping rooms, en suit' or ei- arate; rtinning water, steam ln.it 1 i0 Vest Mohawk St "The jbel-J-Oo nionte" Clean. well furnished rcoms; tourista accommodated; reason-ahle. 1) W. Tupper St A i-onil'iirtiilile htne for winter; I r.iu: Itil surroizr.il- ings.
will rent vcr let hath rjm. el wood fhors. Ice. emiuire 1 i I II- -i cthi 1) Tupper, Eliuwood Suite, housekeeping rooms; range, running walt-r, electricity; family: also sleeping rooms. 175 South Klmwood Ave.
Clean fur- nisheil rooms. $1 up. 1 en Hodpe In refined liome XCO for Keiuleinan M. South liis on -Nicely furnished V'r sleeping ror'iii Jl.J.'i up LNtii Hudson -H-Mioardiiiu St. I'osy.
warm rooiiis home eooKitin; pi i 4.50 up. 224 Delaware The Gables," rooms; running water septStf ill') Niagara t-t. Newly t'urnistied. "rt' clean, up-to-date rooms. entraily located; ail convenient1 iff Delaware w-ll fiir-nished fotciis with running water: also other rooms reasonah' JStS tlO" Delavar Adjoining rooms ivith also sin.lf rooms.
ruhning wat steam heat. 21)0 Franklin Two fonnectlng ll0UH keeping rooms with hot and'tcold running water, also other room wio I'ennsyivania two front roctn JC complt tely f.iriiishcl for iiowf' keeping, gas range, no objection to i dren. -i West Ave. has larg well hisited 1. 1 rooms wit luiarii i 1) on phone Tupper 271.1-.?.
Jt 4 -k 4 West I'tica I'leas-ruit Willi 9L.f board for Delaware Ave in a changes have rooms netit business people, phone of fall for perma- 4 4 Norwoo'l Comfortahty in hlshed rooms in refinefi homer stantial meals; all home comforts prc- fessional or rename business men, ferred. nn 4 Main 3-room kitchenette apart- VivJl-rr nient complete for iiousekeerime. with piano; also single room. Main, cornier dosiriSilc o4u furnished rooms $2 up; bath: Helf phone. -t A Klmwood fomfortalile rooms, -LvFrO tirt-class table; reastonaltle.
sepltot. t-0 HOTEL KOCKFOKD. 1411 Main. Newiy furnished kitchenette tiachelor apart-ments; steam heat, electricity; elevator service. Jlyl3.191i.Uly la.JSiS RCK)M.
BATH. MEALS, J.0O HOTEL ROANOKE. CHIPPEWA AND S. ELMWOOD AVR seplt30 HOTEL Cheltennam will make attrac-tiTe rates for a limited number of per mnnent guests. Apply at office, Krank-lin St.
feplt;) A RE you looking for Would you appreciate assistance, avoiding waste of time, and have exactly theroom or location you wish? The best hotels, apartment houses, select private jhome. rooms with private baths, running water, with or without board; housekeeping apartments, furnished flats and houses are all listed with us; come and make a selection or get a list of what youwant without eharKe. Millers's Information service. 347 Ellicott square. Phone Seneca 2568 5pH.3l20i OARD and room.
49 Otis Place, Hell phone. tixriLX, share a modern apartment' with refined Mr. Burton. 805 Electric Bldg. Telephone Seneca LIVE and live well at the Castle Inn Hotel, Niagara Square, corner of Delaware; rooms with excellent fecals HAW er week up.
sepfcitf TjLEASANT front alcove room, furnish--t ed or unfurnished; home comforts; no other roomers. 26 Ripley Place. sep29toctl A TTRACTIVELY furnished upstairs parlor; open fire place; two large clothes presses; brass bed, etc; for two gentlemen; residential section; price'Tmod-erate. Call Tupper 1248-W. ELLIOTT'S, PEARL AT EAOLK ST.
Restaurant under new management. Business men's lunch, 11:30 to 2, 35c. Dinner from 5 to 35c. Special Sunday dinner, 1 to 8, Restaurant open from noon. Northampton C-tVUU price on well reduced built modern house near Holland I'lace; bargain for someone.
K. W. Ooode 48 Nlagarei Street. 27t2f VKW one-family. Bog a rd us asphalt pavement; four bedrooms, furnace gas.
electricity; easy terms. George E. liogardus. corner Bailey and Eovr.loy. se p2jM oct 1A.1 L1 I.VWlMr Ave.
Owner says "get me offer" for house that cost over 40, (Kit); this place is thoroughly modern; hat I bathrooms, not water neat, eiecinc light, fine garage with flat above; make un an offer of for this place or evert less If you feel like It; we wis to aell It at once. R. W. tJoode tvi.i Niagara St. 271 rrOH SALE 728 Northampton onet- family houae; 9 rooms; electric lls-hts.
patural gas. Z712S a large modern home on i Maryland near Whitney Place; this lrulential Bldg. Is a bargain. Booth, JWtM 1 snap for Bailey Ave. house; natural Oeorge E.
Kan nun an imiiiuvrriiriiiR. Jlogardus, corner Bailey nd Lovejoy. i 1'ASTWOQD Place. nv Main Wt. mod -i-' em home: excellent coitrtitlon: easy terms.
Booth, Prudential Bklg. 2St30, io QA Only buys 14-room brick houwe in Vermont rented for yearlv; room to build store. 22x45- morf-gaged for $2,500. Address Equity, Buffalo Courier. sep2Htoctl cottage, 6 rooms, 6 rooms, cheap; terms.
Enquire 22 Klcblawn Ave 2t23 town. balance like rent, buys Hevere I'lace. Central 31 delightful, complete, modern home; steam heat hardwood finish, tile bath, tree, phrubs, screens, shades, room for garage. Suor Suor. Builders Exchange.
sep2M octll KKNEF1CK near South Side Parkway; very high land and klrge lot; small payment down balance monthly will buy small modern house; bungalow type, with nice bedrooms; open for Inspection dally and evenings. Juy-ett. corner t'onto snd South Hlds Parkway. Phone Abbott 14S-J. sep24tf A ROAINS you can't afford to mlsn; housand dollars up: easy terms: make your rent count.
(Jeorge E. Bo- pardus, i-orner lialley and Lovejoy. down buys 6-room house in first-class condition. li'l Sti 1 -Must sell new burnsnlow No l.SX Amber near South Park Ave. If you are looking for small cosy home with 3 nice bedrooms It will pay you to see this real home; open for Inspection dully and evenings, tluv- ett.
2on Ladner St. Phone Abbott 357-J. scp.tf "I EA I) Thia-To those who would appne--1 lnte a roomy two-famllv house In the Parknld section; attention is mlUd to 22o Mam near Klorenee the lot is wj.ie and deep, with beautiful snrubbery and shade front and ttar. Call c'seem ior particuin SHEA NO Ave. iflouse, barcalii; an excemtonal nnniiMnnm Phone or addrevs Oliver f.
Wilka Kl wood Ave. StHW 1012 Elmwood Inspect thfs besutlful new Hat; exceptional Investment opportunity. Oliver Ct Wllk-s. 2yti) inic iiouk ana Karaite, cornier fiorris ann ix-pew can lto nu chased at a very low price; everythiiii? modern; larBe lot; owner wlshe to 11 consioer smaller houxe in part ayment. li.
W. Ooode cp 4 NiaKara 8t septoctl VKV house on Herkeley. Clarendon. n.m"&or from H.M) to ioooe uo 49 Niaa-ara nepnoctl house and Karatre on I60-bie Ave. at special price for quirk sale; Interior of house Is dellnhtfully arranged and finished in white enamel, hardwood floors, electric liKht, etc.
W. Uoode Ac 49 Niagara St. W)-Ichmond neat houe ood condition; contalh library, parlor, dining room, kitchen, first floor; 4 bedrooms and bath second floor; modern plumbing; Interior finished in white. R. W.
Ooode 4t) Nlairara Street. ep2Hoctl VN attractive bunualow. overlooklhK the park, with all modern lmprovo-ments, including- rarsi'e. Is offered for a limited time at a low price; the location is unique, with country surroundings in the midst of the cltyLJf Inter ested aa us ror details, it. A vs.
Oootl 4M Niagara St. 0,000 witn one thousand casK buy usand casH bt new nine-room house: n4i oiruumiuui, u-iiit-u vruuiKs, side drive den. every convenience; near Main anil Humboldt, school, church and convent See owner any time on property. Xt Mntn-tlcello Ave. sp2stocU 7 S0nMoIlern house, tin OVA Amherst facln Delaware Park; a bantaln; we have othera.
A rent Property fc.xchan-e. Inc, luw Klllcot" "rg- 2iit3i) $2,000 jr. bou- downtown! V'-'best residential section, near Nnrk 8t. facln Arllntton nark; "101 an newly decorated Inside and uL llviSL room, paneled dining-room. kitchen with ranae.
li-ht. airyT unuaSIii opportunity. ieneca 4VJ.W. i 1 i I1 POR 8ALE-7 Northampton 8L; orT rooms, fireplace, laundry, 'gar torfi 'STATES 318 White Bldg. 'i ii in ir- mii.m FLATS AND APARTMENTS FOR RENT.
(Jjj)T 7-room upper, three large rear bed-' rooms; tile bath, electric light, hot air heat, separate laundries, finest cellars, front and back veranda, light and airy large attic. minutes' rifle to business center; exclusive residential section, riione fre.xcent W-J "tlk 6-ronnt upper flat. tile bath, electricity r. 'V hardwood floors. and gas.
furnace heat: automatic hot water; two large bedrjoms; phone North 10X2- M. 1 lowntown lower flat. 27S Cro-iminedlate ist-t ranne possesion LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. -TE offer for sale some good first mort gages, six per cent, in various amounts from one to seven thousand dollars. Suor Suor, Builders Exchange.
seiVJMoctl 1 am Ian YV A NT HI) Loan lars Address of one thousand dol-Klrst Mortgage. sep2to-tll falo Courier. HOl'SKS KOR RENT. II oitse SSl-J. to let Central f'ark.
Cres-ent 2St3'l c-in- Medium-sized house on Soldiers electric I'lace. from October 1st lights, bathrooms V. Niagara St. K. Goode Co let- Hear house.
7 rooms, gas and 3t North I'ivislon. 2ft3t) bath. STORKS FOR RENT. TCfk Michigan Ave Steel ceiling, trie lights. MO KT; A ti ES ANTE Si-cond mortgages Co.
for va-Coode cant lots and cash. II. i a ga rn St seplt'toctl W'U' first. buy. sell exchange property; second a inorUTu raf.
nnd bulld-I ti oad way sepS'toctl ing loans WANTKP A nti: four, in Kood 1 1 I urnished tlats. three, five, ctioti x. eichl and ten rooms; 3li Klllcott Souare. TRMlfKI RTMKXTH FOR RENT HE Johnson Park -One. two suite, redecorated and nowlv furnished, complete.
sep2MoctW OBOQ WILL BE FOUND ON PAGES H3 AND 14 Rat, On Cent a Word MONKY TO I.OA'. MONEY loaued nd Jewelry. on diamonds. Watches Mose Cohen. MQ Main Iiceosed dentist.
pawobroker; strictly confl- eplt.T0 MONKY loaned on watches, diamond, jewelry, established 26 years. Louis Meyers. 271 Main St. cplt.T0 Bl'KFALO Security Co. (a personal loan company), 737 Ellicott Square for ItufTalo people; owners of household Koods.
pianos or diamonds; quick loans In amounts up to J200, authorized by the state law and under supervision of state banking: department; If you have interest taxes or small debts press! nu for payment we will let you have the money and you can return it to ua in small monthly payments: cost for ten month on $100 1 $13; larger or smaller amount In propor-tion; no other charKes. have money to loan on real estate irom l.duu up. Carlisle and alech. ciiiwii ciiwrv. 2tS0 FDEi tohcr 1.
two or three connecting rooms st in te nt. .1. ci ru y. nl IL.A I Ave. mar Klmwood; front or.
side rooms, with or without board; every convenience. Topper lXCKi'TH "NALI.Y -I I intid'Tii pr: va t. heat, elei irit v. 7tf' llleti; i furnished room ipartmem; steam-Main A part A riNI'S Hotel. ivarl St.
Meals 25c. room rv up; weekly rate for room and meals sptJ3to-t22 TKL Kor. oke. located at Chippewa and South Klmwood Cejitrtll to shopping ami theaters; room adjoining bath. and $10 per week; with private hath, $11'; two people with private bath.
American plan. sepHSI) a tomorii.es. 1 L'T pai "l' i.Mi if.I l.i: radiators made and re- irtii Hnffulo Aun-Itmliator iilS l'ro-pc Ave. IttHD delivery bodies of every description; be-t price, hest unlity patented l'ord delivery winshields no rntLle, no circulation of air. Meyer Wagon Works, -1C.
Kim St. KNS-Dl'liVFA model L' 6-cylinder 3 car. in excellent condition; only run IS 'joo miles; cheap. Meyer Wagon Works, -it! Klin IStBO CiASTINliS, water jackets, frames and automobile parts welded; quirk service, he-t price. Meyer agon Works, 2lti Elm st reet.
3t30 ctAVi; your old Urea; 3,500 miles from iO tiouhle trea'l tires; will reduce your bills oue-lia it' we machine them together, one on lop of the other. Acme, 2" Ut30 I'll met. ils Ian rep. ill, Ml'g N1 -t eldimr and brazing on done 'I. Champion Welding -Wiishmgton St.
'nW riding I c.irs for Sir, shock al.sorbevs for Ford pf pair pin oil your car; Will not hurt vou steering uean or radius roils; the only shock absorber that will reduce the vibration. Meyer au'ce Works. JIC Kim St. I OR SAI.r. LJ 1 1 i i a -e wall cases, counters, scda refrigerators tO f.inntaln 1 1 1 1 1 1 -lorp fixtures for hut line busi-i A IV Mtjer.
4o8 ltroaduiiy. seplt.10 lie1 fi.v 'i res, orfne furniture, nouse-Iti poods Imujlit and sold. Weln-1 Wiishington St. seplt) In vtr. Sale Cheap New alio seeond- liand lumber Marine Wrecking William and Oiriiss Sts p-ita phones.
2(30 I I1) liots.s, two 1 nw.H.tl X. ol; It ob, Frew. HnWCAS'iS, o(ia fountains imvis ol complete outfits fOf any business. A Dutch 14S S. in ea M.
seplt'Wiex situs SHOW eases, wall ease. Ahefilug, counters, refrigerators, fcoda tatdes auU cliairs safes, carbonatrrs, office partition and office tables. We manufacture fixtures for any Kind of stores. Send for Cata-loRiie Buffalo Store Fixture 712 Jefferon St.nuffalo. N.
T. Jne4tf IT't US -Moleskin and black fox fur -et: and Hudson sPal mil "acrifices. going south. Delaware. ve.
DKSKs" office fnrnitwrc of. all kinds bought, st.ld nd exchanged. Buffalo Office Furniture Kittiaiinc, 80-88 Pearl St. seplW I I.K Black gahartline coat in -'iidition. Adriress Coat, Buffalo Courier.
FrgMTrKE PACKiyO ANIl 8HIPPI'0. rplIICHE are several wayg ta pack furnl J. ture for sMpment, but one -right wav; If vou are Interested in a flrst criss lob call iis up Our twn Delivery Storage Co, Front Ave. and Georgia St. Brtn phones.
sepUSO AGENTS ANTED. "ij ATHFINI latest Ford acces-1 r'iy; demonstration sells good side-lite for doctors, lawyers, real estate men. traveling men and Ford owners. Write Pathfinder Distributing Clapp Block, les Moines. Iowa.
SALESMEN WANTED. WE have to offer, new. thie season. a line of indoor signa' that vyithin a few short months has proven itself superior to competitive offerings; we ant the best connec tion possible In this city: we want only a big man who has and can secure an audience with the large buyers; this Is at proposition that is a real opportunity fo-r the right man. Address Merchants Publishing Kalamazoo, Mich.
PIANO tlMXC, HRKE. vocal instructor With tuning. Mozart, piano tuning, Palace Arcade. 24t30 REF AIRING. IF you Intend to remodel or repair your house phone Abbott 348-M for an estimate- and save money; shihgling a specialty.
sep28toct4 CARTING AD MOVIKQ, Federal 24-750. Sen. 4820 38 SsaJi't-iliir 'i II.ATS AND APAHTMKNTS FOR KKNT. i Elegnnt new modern Hat, 1-'S9 A'est range. Suor Suor, Exchange.
sep25totll Modem uper flat, Huntington range. Suor Suor. Build-, rs Exchange. sepStoctll i-Xfw Hats: tile bath, electricity. harrlwood floors; fi7f Nortbumber- I near Kensington Ave.
Suor Suor. litiilders Exchange. sepiStoct 11 TANDSOME lower flat, seven rooms, 1 iric Not Oxf oak finish, screens. elec tricity, gas. furnace, laundry, vacant November 1.
Woodluwn Ave. T'hone fix ford llfi-M 25t 'TPIer flat, 6 rooms; Khcule Island St. conveniences; It. W. Goode Mt 2.1.27 1 4t Niagara Beautiful tlat.
just completed; 63 hardwood finish, tile bath, three bedrooms-, electric light. large basem*nt, laundry, separate furnaces, two minijtes walk from Main St Knqulre Lisbon, or phone Seneca 2toct2 l'ILE share furnished flat; gas, bath. veranda; low rent: to respectable, permanent party. 8 West Ave. I ion rent or for sale Moderu apart-Ineflt, flats antl houses, furnislied or unfurnished; all pri'-ps, locations.
See Heultv Co. Sijiinre; opon Seneca -p'jrttoefj El'L district; first floor flat; immediate possession; seven rooms, tile bath, awnings, screens. ranire. hartiwoon Hours, eintrlo lights; -autlfully ways, $40. 1 Jcatd between the park rem -i 1 rl Distri.
Fine upper seven- every convenience, includ- ing electricity. Clinton County Bank Bldg. Both 1 ef Irnat, telephones. It KNT Lower flat at 1-- Bid-thoroiiglily rr. 1 well l'arkwav 'itid coinpletc dining in every detail; r-re living room, kitchen, b.ith rooip, J.
II. am man. sepiltf I 1 I id wel I I la rk way (iWKi: flat 'M Manchester I'lnce. llicliniohil oak floor, brick tat. tie.
enamel bedrooms, tile i'i vcstii iio two verandas, new T'reens. storm windows. shades. T'lrtam lixtures. pas table.
ranKe, liu-oh inn on kitchen floor, in furnace. "ctnclly; good condition and ready for garage If desired. North L' and 64 Iford Ave. (Nye Park) uicity. spiendid new lower flats, ele--tlled baths, steam lietit, brick sun rooms, adults onlv.
Callan. Bide. 'l-F'l St. iU anil lower flat to let, 140 enquire im Cener. Howard rier "ft OliVKN'.
rooms, I'tica. all improvements. We 320 Ellicott Square. Best St. I'pper Ellicott Square rear flat.
$lV0o. 320 I.lVl-: room and bath. Connecticut Square. 1 320 mk) Klmwood near Bird; inspect beau- tifui new lower flat. latest features.
Wilkes. 1 Bedford. latest features. Nye Park; Inspect bcintl flat, about completed Wilkes. 2'cm iHEAl' as the cr.eapest and equal to ttie best; you can get tffo dollars in value for every dollar spent: the finest five -root 11 apnrtments in Buffalo so fully equipped that they require little furniture; furnished free with each apartment; yinpie heat, four large cold storage compartments.
Ice water. enamel steel kitchen cabinets, electric lights, cabinet sas ranges and gas. Janitor service', laundry, vacuum cleaner, shades screens, garbage chutes and roof garden; banquet rooms and fully equipped steam laundry are on the premises; charves small; huildlng is absolutely Are-proof; save your fire Insurance premiums, sanitary, cool in summer and warm in winter; you cannot get the same comforts and luxuries elsewhere In Buffalo for less than $100 per month, and we offer them for $1S: fifteen minutes from the hall; Hovi and West Ctica cars. Telephone Tupper (32 and agent will cali and take you to see theiu. Amiatitus Apartments 4-6-8 Eighteenth street; agent and janitor on the premises day and night.
$35" 7-room lower fiat: 2 large bed rooms, maid's room, electrli-itv newly decorated; cellar divided; large veranda, awnings: desirable residential section; twenty minutes from business section. 1020 Klmwood. Phone Crescent 3346-J. to two csrs: sacrince price: terms to suli HT.4 Ul. Telephone ufl ARMf rOM Sit.
IE. IAARUM. farna, Farms 4or sprtn iA laresdy; write tor IfcA. r-vu. urur ai.
vuiv, 1 -JAOStJJ jKM life with profit and modern ron a yeiiiences for men and women win. sdloinlnn Ur farm oa, IT. 1 co-persiive plan'' Address "l-nlqu," liuffalo Courier. ttiit I ONTIIl.T paymenta buy dandy sob' urban home: two aorea. on tmli.v1'1 r-tnoiay, 111 MsaMcbuantt Av.
V2ACRIKICK Fale-Th best rcaldrnce, barn and rarrlaae house, ten- 7" i'w, line tee Plant on premlae with sprln water lake- if handled by Mttht partr will brine a net income of tl. lKr vesr; finit hl, mucK celery land In this section; this mm noultrv plant; cash required Call tty.A hurTbN'r K- K' burr. N. T. 1 ropibtt ron a AI UOl'K.
barn. Lk Vlewj quarter ar7 only house and lot; Uv. 10 ainour. 1 indla Massachusetts Ave. Ill Ht in ii.inxr.e.
1UAN8. specifications indi n.tu ln1" 1 bulldln7. Builder. Kllicott Rqusre. Tkto nvaiN-rs rworr rtt ron ai.b.
on lower Ielawi are p. lnm) It a aplendli Ooode 4 Niaa-ara bt. i ndla Invest. M. 1 EAli KSTATR ft)a rtnilvn.
1)1 wanTel falo. Address K. 1 V.i 'ur av inni iwn.Tnni U. a w- Mwuiumin. mi iiHi Mlch JfJ 14 VM Wa cholca trie tnake no mistake If VZT 1 "3 W.
Uoode-A i tiUWrrW- It. eeptoctl liuffalo CouriTr. MUmM WKAI, rTATK WAsTrm LII-'iirw "1nhTt I'-ffaio real XTNICKERBOCKER. select school. Main and beginners Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays; socials Saturdays; new and old dances taught; Juniors Friday, four o'clock; children Saturday afternoon; private lessons one dollar, six for iive daily, nightly.
i 26toct2 MOVING day terrors can be turned Into pleasure by employing us to do tht work; botfc aliones, 6Su. Our Own Delivery 8torage 1'ront Ave. and Georgia St. seplt30 AfONEY loaned on diamonds, watchei and Jewelry. J2J Main Wilson Co.
Unredeemed pledge for aale. ep23toc2 CONTINXT3D IN NEXT CXJLUliJf, CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN, llrht want more flat. n.mj Buj.