Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (2024)

Artisan Teff Bread Recipe

August 26, 2015

One of the most popular recipes on this blog is The Best Teff Sandwich Bread Recipe. This was one of the first bread recipes that I ever created. I thought I'd follow that up with a recipe for a rustic, artisan loaf with teff flour using all the bread-making techniques I've learned since the beginning. This bread is really soft and spongy. It's a little more dense than the regular bread,but in a nice, substantial way as whole grain breads often are. Check out theboule bread recipefor more tips and photos of the process.

Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (2)Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (3)

makes one 2-lb round loaf

Mix time: 10 minutes

Rise time: 2-3 hours

Cook time: 35-45 minutes

Mix in the bowl of your stand mixer or whisk together by hand:

520g (about 2 1/4 cups) warm water, 110-120 degrees

30g whole psyllium husk (or 20g ground psyllium husk)

Add to the bowl:

300g GFbread flour(reserve 50 grams for later in the recipe)

12g (1 Tbsp) sugar

3g (1 tsp) yeast
6g (1 tsp) salt

Mix the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients until everything is completely combined and a sticky dough forms.

Let the dough rise, covered, in a warm place for 1 to 1 1/2 hours, or until it has almost doubled in bulk and a dent made with your finger stops filling in right away. Punch the dough down. Knead in with your hands or the dough hook of your mixer:

50g flour

Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (4)

Gather the dough into a ball and cover it lightly with:

olive oil

Remove the dough to a well-floured8-inch banneton seam side up or simply place seam side down on a piece of floured parchment paper and dust the top with flour. Cover and let rise 20 to 30 minutes in a warm place.

Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (7)

While the dough is rising, place a dutch oven or a pizza stone and an oven-safe pan large enough to cover the bread in the oven and turn it on to pre-heat to 450° F. When the bread has risen slightly andand a dent made with your finger stops filling in right away, gently place the dough seam-side down on your lightly floured work surface,trying not to deflate it. Gently run your hands along the sides of the dough, tucking the sides under slightly. This dough isn't as shapable as the traditional loaf, so you are just trying to pat it into a symmetrical round loaf - don't tuck the dough under too much or stretch the loaf.

When the oven is ready and the dough has been formed, score the top with a sharp blade about 1/4 inch deep in whatever pattern you want.

Carefully place the bread in the hot dutch oven or on the hot pizza stone. Spritz the inside of the dutch oven (or the surface of the pizza stone) with water several times (careful not to spray any glass lids - they can shatter!) and cover. Cook for 15 minutes, then uncovered on the rack until the crust has a hollow sound when tapped on top, usually another 20-25 minutes. Remove to a cooling rack, or for a crisper crust turn off the flame and cool in the oven with the door propped open. Let the bread cool completely for easier slicing.

Enjoy some traditional gluten-free teff bread!

artisan breadboule breadbread flourrustic boule bread


Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (10)

Anonymous said…

Wow! The bead looks delicious. Thanks so much for posting this recipe!

September 23, 2015 at 10:40 PMArtisan Teff Bread Recipe (11)

Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (12)

Gina said…

Thank you! Teff is always a fun grain for recipe development.

September 24, 2015 at 12:18 AMArtisan Teff Bread Recipe (13)

Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (14)

Unknown said…

Hi there, I m foodie about Teff Grain made products like Teff Muffins, Injera with Alicha and so other. I always use to find awesome recipes related to Teff. And I felt great after Found this Teff Bread recipe on your blog. Thanks a lot for it and please keep sharing such kind of delicious Teff made recipes we are looking forward to you.

January 22, 2016 at 11:16 PMArtisan Teff Bread Recipe (15)

Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (16)

Anonymous said…

Is this blog still live?

March 28, 2020 at 2:28 PMArtisan Teff Bread Recipe (17)

Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (18)

Gina said…

Yes, the blog is live though I don't check comments every day.

March 29, 2020 at 5:46 PMArtisan Teff Bread Recipe (19)

Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (20)

Oliver said…

Hi Gina! I just baked this loaf and it collapsed in the middle after baking. Do you have any idea what would have caused this? Love your blog by the way!

March 19, 2021 at 4:36 PMArtisan Teff Bread Recipe (21)

Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (22)

Gina said…

Oliver, I am so sorry that happened! I have loaves collapse too occasionally. It is usually due to overproofing - it can happen even in wheat recipes. You have to watch the second rise really closely, it can happen really fast, even in 20 minutes. If you need a little more leeway, you can reduce the flour in the first rise by 25g and add that to the second rise for a little buffer for time. pay attention to the dough and the finger poke test and you should be fine the next round. Another idea is that if your dough looked noticeably more floppy than in the photos you might have to reduce the amount of water due to different climates or even daily humidity. I hope that helps!

March 30, 2021 at 7:46 PMArtisan Teff Bread Recipe (23)

Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (24)

Anonymous said…

Your different breads are beautiful to look at! I can't wait to try baking them as I am trying to be gluten free but it's a real challenge. My question is do you really need to add the sugars? It's one thing I find easy to avoid and hope it isn't used to activate the yeast!
Thanks for the beautiful recipes!

October 8, 2021 at 6:35 PMArtisan Teff Bread Recipe (25)

Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (26)

Gina said…

I find that I get a better rise if I add sugar to the dough. It's not for sweetening, it is for the yeast to eat. You can easily sub honey or molasses. It's a very small amount of sugar. I hope that helps!

November 1, 2021 at 8:57 PMArtisan Teff Bread Recipe (27)

Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (28)

Gina said…

Zahara, this is my teff bread recipe that has no psyllium: https://gluten-free I haven’t found a substitution for psyllium that works in the same way.

September 5, 2022 at 10:37 PMArtisan Teff Bread Recipe (29)

Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (30)

Nicole P said…

Just commenting to say this is probably the best blog on the internet. I have been slowly working through all your recipes and not one has failed me. Thank you SO much for sharing all of this with us!

October 24, 2023 at 8:13 AMArtisan Teff Bread Recipe (31)

Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (32)

Gina said…

Thank you so much Nicole! That is so good to hear.

October 31, 2023 at 8:56 PMArtisan Teff Bread Recipe (33)

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Artisan Teff Bread Recipe (2024)
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